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Avatars add-on update: introducing blank avatars, minor bugfixes

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#1 · Posted: 23 May 2024 14:54
The free Avatars add-on has been updated today, with the primary introduction of so called «blank» or «empty» avatars, representing a case when no Avatar picture is chosen under the forums Profile. Current default looks like this:

Default blank empty miniBB avatar

It's optional and could be disabled/set to an empty value in addon_avatar_options.php -> $avatarNoImage, as well as you could try to replace it to your own picture. I've designed miniBB's default no-avatar with the help of quite an intuitive service under SVGEditorOnline.

The «blank avatar» will be displayed on forums in appropriate places, as well as in the upcoming version of the Private Messages add-on. Affected codes are kept under bb_plugins.code.txt.

The updated package also includes more default pre-defined avatars (under the '/img/forum_avatars' folder), some of the older default were removed.

Other changes include updated HTML/layout in /templates/addon_avatar_choose.html and /templates/addon_avatar_upload.html, and a few minor fixes in addon_avatar.php.

As usually, changes are possible to test on miniBB demo.

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#2 · Posted: 18 Jun 2024 21:43
A quick note: I've updated the Avatars add-on package with the new default avatar, which fits the whole width and so provides more appealing view in forum threads and private messages. Updated in Downloads and on miniBB demo. Check it out!

Default blank empty miniBB avatar (updated)

Author Guest
#3 · Posted: 21 Jun 2024 20:23
Great job! I like it! 👍
Peace minibb ✌

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 Avatars add-on update: introducing blank avatars, minor bugfixes
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