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How to Edit Members' nicknames

Author Anonymous
#1 · Posted: 21 Jul 2003 17:54
It might be useful and even needed (in case of errors, multiple registrations, abuse of another person's usual nickname, change of mind, etc.).

We all know that Admin(s) are generally able to do it, but don't know how it could be done with mbb.

Anybody's light would be welcome.

Author Team
#2 · Posted: 21 Jul 2003 18:58
The best abusing is to delete unwanted user, and there is no built-in solution for this (editing nicknames) in miniBB. Give people their own freedom.

Author Anonymous
#3 · Posted: 4 Aug 2003 19:47
On the "Freedom" aspect of the problem, we absolutely agree with you.

But other BBs give possibilities to edit members' nicknames (and even spy on-line what they are trying to read or write, before they publish it, etc), allowing some unscrupulous individuals to gravely abuse of posters' rights.

What we are speaking about, here, is only a justified utilisation, by mbb's Administrator(s), to redress eventual abuses in (stolen, fallacious, misleading, erroneous, or insulting, etc.) choices of nicknames (without necessarily deleting a member's right to post).

Author Team
#4 · Posted: 5 Aug 2003 10:24
<i>But other BBs give possibilities to edit members' nicknames </i>
Other BBs giving a lot of another possibilities... what we are talking here is already <b>your</b> freedom - to choose something you like more. miniBB is our board, with our concepts and vision, so... you know.

It is possible to change nicknames only manually executing SQL requests. Knowing user's ID (integer), you can execute the following commands, for example:

update minibbtable_users set username='NEW_USERNAME' where user_id=USER_ID;

update minibbtable_users set topic_poster_name='NEW_USERNAME' where topic_poster=USER_ID;

update minibbtable_users set poster_name='NEW_USERNAME' where poster_id=USER_ID;

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