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How to determine Forum ID

Author Anonymous
#1 · Posted: 24 Sep 2002 05:12
The manual suggests that admin can make certain 'hidden' adjustments to forums....such as registered users forum, or private forum.

This appears to require knowledge of the forum's 'ID', so it can be stated in an array in the required file.

But where is the ID of a forum indicated? If I have six forums, how do I know their IDs? is the first forum I created ID 1? And the second ID 2? and so on? What happens if I change the order of the forums - does the ID change as well?

Where is the forum ID indicated?


Author Team
#2 · Posted: 24 Sep 2002 10:18
Where is the forum ID indicated?
Just go to the first page, where forums are listed, and mouse over on forum's title. In the status bar you'll see thing like that:

<!-- nourl --><!-- /nourl -->

For a simple mod_rewritten URLs, it will be like

After "forum=" there follows forum's ID.

For various mod_rewrite schemas, forum ID could be located at the other position, but in most cases, in any schema, it is the first appearing number before delimiter, and the topic ID is following after. For example, in the URL of this topic:

- forum ID is located in the emulated folder name which is 'faq', and it is 7; the topic ID is the second met number and it is 448.

is the first forum I created ID 1? And the second ID 2? and so on?
No, not obligately.

What happens if I change the order of the forums - does the ID change as well?

Author Coquet Shack
#3 · Posted: 18 Aug 2003 12:14
Post Only Forum; Sorry dimwit here. Where do I find or what form to the forum IDs take to create post only forums. I have tried the forumnnames (the ones I assigned) - fail. I tried the forum order numbers (fail) hELP!!


Author Team
#4 · Posted: 18 Aug 2003 12:22
FORUM ID is not the order number. Mouse over on forum title on the 1st page, you will see the URL ending with forum=SOMETHING; something is ID.

Other variations explained above.

Author Coquet Shack
#5 · Posted: 18 Aug 2003 14:30
Thanks guys - solved - and now I've sorted my posts the way I want them too. Excellent programme and excellent support.

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 How to determine Forum ID
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