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sticky topics - where do they appear?

Author Pille
#1 · Posted: 22 Nov 2003 14:24
I logged on as administrator, made a post and then turned it into a sticky. That part went well, but the problem is that the post is still visible in the latest discussions list too... Where did I go wrong?

Author fruitfly
#2 · Posted: 22 Nov 2003 16:39
my sticky posts are visible there also, I thought they were supposed to be.

Author Pille
#3 · Posted: 22 Nov 2003 17:16
Hmmm... In the FAQ it says: Sticky topics appear ONLY in topics list.

Author fruitfly
#4 · Posted: 23 Nov 2003 04:23
well, then I'm not sure...guess you need a minibb specialist :)

Author Oakie
#5 · Posted: 23 Nov 2003 08:47
Mine only appear in the topics list. I use version 1.6

Author Pille
#6 · Posted: 23 Nov 2003 18:54
Oakie - I also use 1.6.

Hmmm... maybe it's just me? One question - when you turn a topic into a sticky, does it still show in the last discussions list as a regular topic, or is it totally removed from the last discussions list?

Author Oakie
#7 · Posted: 24 Nov 2003 03:09
I have one topic stickied in my Music topics forum. That sticky topic does not appear in the last discussions area on the front page.

To see that sticky topic, I have to enter the music forum . When I do that, then the sticky is stuck and visible in the listings for the music forum.

So, to answer your question:

Let's say I have 3 main forums "General" , "Music" , and "Movies".

I stick a topic that I see on the main page in "last discussions" and that topic belongs to the "Music" forum.

That topic does not display a "sticky" graphic next to it on the main page in "last discussions".

I can see the topic in "last discussions" on the main page, but I cannot tell that it is sticky, and over time as more topics are made, this sticky topic vanishes off the main page in "last discussions"

When I click the "Music" link on the main page and enter the "Music" forum, It takes me to a listing of current topics related only to the music forum.

Right there at the top of listings is the sticky topic shown with a sticky graphic . It does not move off of this list unless I "unstick" it.

Understand ?

Author Team
#8 · Posted: 24 Nov 2003 10:24
Great explanation!

ALL: FAQ say it right: Sticky topic WILL NOT APPEAR AS STICKY IN LAST DISCUSSIONS. You will see it here until its date is fresh (this is logical, isn't it?)

Author Pille
#9 · Posted: 24 Nov 2003 12:51
Thanks Oakie!


Well, actually it doesn't say that. It says: Sticky topics appear ONLY in topics list. Last discussions page stays untouched!

That is what got me confused - I thought they would not show in the last discussions list at all. But now I know what you meant.

Author Team
#10 · Posted: 24 Nov 2003 12:58
Just a meaning of words, sorry... sticky topic will appear AS STICKY only in topics ;)

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 sticky topics - where do they appear?
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