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config in

Author Anonymous
#1 · Posted: 8 Nov 2003 21:02
I am Brazil, not speak good english...

config the minibb 1.7 in lycos?? I Make?
Cofig the database in lycos.tripod

Author Anonymous
#2 · Posted: 8 Nov 2003 21:03

Author Anonymous
#3 · Posted: 8 Nov 2003 21:37
could you please post the setup file already configured for lycos plz??

Author Anonymous
#4 · Posted: 9 Nov 2003 13:05
if you're using the free hosting at lycos, it doesn't support a database (so minibb or any other database-based forum will not work).

Author Mirsky
#5 · Posted: 10 Nov 2003 20:49
i have my hosted on its free and works just fine.

if you go to the php tool look under the heading: Manage your database, and then fill in the appropriate fields in your config file with the info given

Author Anonymous
#6 · Posted: 25 Nov 2003 20:29
The free hosting at lycos DOES supply one MySQL db.

Author Petra
#7 · Posted: 15 Jan 2004 01:40
Hi I have tryed to install the forum, but.... properly lycos shit. But it say there is no DB?

Author Petra
#8 · Posted: 15 Jan 2004 01:47
Hi I have tryed to install the forum, but.... properly lycos shit. But it say there is no DB? It says Database/configuration error.

And it is al enabled........ so what could be wrong?

Author Oakie
#9 · Posted: 15 Jan 2004 07:50
MiniBB stores it's information in a database. That database is typically run in a mysql database. Minibb runs perfectly using the programming language of php and uses the database of mysql.

Your problem is most likely this:

1) Your Lycos account does not support mysql. If that account is a free account, then it is very likely that you will have to pay to get the premium services of a database backed by mysql. Without it, you cannot run miniBB. So do it, you'll be happy .

2) Your account does support mysql , but they have not set up the database yet. Contact your webhosting service and tell them you need a mysql database setup. They will set up your database and give you the database name and password when they have completed that task.

3) You do have hosting that supports PHP and Mysql and you do indeed have a database name and password. (Yay !) The problem is you are not entering the information correctly when you install minibb. Keep trying.

Author Petra
#10 · Posted: 16 Jan 2004 00:39
it does supports php and mysql ....... and i have a name and passwd ..... stil it is not working..... i have typed ....

so what is wrong?

Author Oakie
#11 · Posted: 16 Jan 2004 05:14
You must have a database setup already! an account with lycos that supports php and mysql does not mean necessarily that your database is setup. Tell me right now, what is your database name ?

If you can answer that question, then I believe you DO have a mysql database. If you cannot say the name right now, then you need to find it out . Contact Lycos .

If you do have a database already setup and you know it's name and you know it's password and you know your username, then let's make sure you get your database configured properly now.

We are going to do it manually. It's pretty simple so don't worry.

1) go to the miniBB file called _install_mysql.sql .

That important file has everything you need to set up the six database tables . highlight and copy everything in that file.

2) Go to your mysql admin panel. You do have a database admin panel with Lycos ? Mine is called phpadmin. My friends' is called mysqladmin. What is your's called ?

Both of our admin panels have a little box where we can paste stuff in . It could say something like this :

"Run SQL query/queries on database Petra_com"

3) Paste the stuff from the miniBB file _install_mysql.sql in that box.
Press enter or go or whatever button is there to make it work.

4) That will create the database tables for you. You'll know cuz it will say "success" and you will see six new tables on your database.

5) If you make it to this point, you need only make sure that the miniBB file called setup_options.php has the correct information .
Like this:


Do you see all those variables with the $ marks ? You must know the answer of what to put there exactly or it won't work.

If you don't know that stuff, contact Lycos. They know it.

Then you will be able to go to your URL and see your forum.

Good luck.

Author Petra
#12 · Posted: 16 Jan 2004 11:37
yeah! My database name?


whel.. i am gonna try it again.....

Author Anonymous
#13 · Posted: 16 Jan 2004 11:54
hm.. i did al the chaning.....but still it is not working :(

Author Oakie
#14 · Posted: 16 Jan 2004 18:19

Here's what we have:

1) Your database name is: pspwestieliefhebbers_nl_db
That's good.

2) You have the info for all of these variables in setup_options.php:

Now You must absolutely verify that you have created the miniBB tables on your database. 99 times out of 100, all you need to do is
use the miniBB _install.php file and it will do it for you.

We know that it does not work for you so we have to create the tables manually like I showed you above.

3) You must create the database tables now. Can you see them on your database ?

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 config in
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