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Wordpress' PHP Header/footer

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Author arthuc01
#1 · Posted: 24 Jan 2004 13:39

I'm trying to integrate MiniBB into my Wordpress based site but I have run into a few problems.

Basically the header and footer (including div contain menu) both use php in them.

Creating two files - header.php and footer.php
Adding to bb_plugins $myheadertop and $myfooter = includes for the relecvent php files
Then I delete all the content from main_header.html and main_footer.html and add in the respective {myheadertop}{myfooter}
To handle insertion of the php code into the html files of the template.

Now if I put plain text in both header.php and footer.php I get

this is plain text header

[ MiniBB content ]

this is plain text footer

If i add php to header php I get ....

this is php header (rendered as expected)

[ MiniBB content ]

this is plain text footer

But when I make both header and footer php I get

this is php header (rendered as expected)
this is php footer (rendered as expected)1
[ MiniBB content ] 1

(NB Number ones do appear)

Now I don't know why making footer.php contain php mucks up the rendering and its driving me up the wall does anyone have any ideas?

Author arthuc01
#2 · Posted: 25 Jan 2004 22:12
Okay heres where I've got to ...

bb_plugins contains the following...

$wpheader = include('./templates/wp_header.php');
$wpfooter = include('./templates/wp_footer.php');

Main Header contains ....


{$l_menu[0]}{$l_menu[7]}{$l_menu[3]}{$l_menu[2]}{$l_menu[1]}{$l_menu[4 ]}{$l_menu[5]}{$l_menu[8]}{$l_menu[6]}{$l_sepr}</p>

Main footer.html contains ....


<!--Copyright link. Having only free GPL licence, you can not remove it!-->
<p>Powered by <a href="">miniBB {$version}</a> &copy; 2001-2004<p>
<!--End of copyright link-->


Now what I think happens is that when the page is called rather than wait for the script to call {$wpfooter} {$wpheader} it appears that it just calls both them at the start of the page and then renders the rest of the content . Also prior to doing so it inserts the character 1

Any ideas guys??


Author arthuc01
#3 · Posted: 25 Jan 2004 22:14
Changing bb plugins to

$wpheader == include('./templates/wp_header.php');
$wpfooter == include('./templates/wp_footer.php');

Gets rid of the 1 character but still renders incorrectly

Author Team
#4 · Posted: 29 Jan 2004 10:17
The include() statement includes and evaluates the specified file. It doesn't return any value, so probably you can't associate it with variable.

Author Anonymous
#5 · Posted: 29 Jan 2004 23:59
Sorry for the noobie question but how should I associate the include with the var and return the value?


Author Team
#6 · Posted: 30 Jan 2004 10:04
After including some script, the variables and their values you get in this script are becoming available also in the script you are including from. Example: you have a.php:


You have b.php:

include ('./a.php');
echo $var;

The output you'll get will be "1".

Author arthuc01
#7 · Posted: 30 Jan 2004 21:37
Yes, but how do I set the vars
$wpheader and $wpfooter
equal to the generated content from

From looking at


$var = 'PHP';

return $var;




$foo = include 'return.php';

echo $foo; // prints 'PHP'


but when I do

$wpheader = include('./templates/wp_header.php');
$wpfooter = include('./templates/wp_footer.php');

It just outputs the two php files automatically rather than waiting till $wpheader and $footer in the template header and footer html files

Author 4days
#8 · Posted: 1 Feb 2004 02:23
$wpheader == include('./templates/wp_header.php');
$wpfooter == include('./templates/wp_footer.php');

this won't work.

in your bb_plugins.php, include the two files, eg:


now when minibb calls bb_plugins.php it'll run those two php files. assuming that inside those files are the vars $wpheader and $wpfooter, you can put those vars in the templates and their values will be output to the page.

eg, wp_header.php could look like this:

$wpheader="my site";

now when the template is parsed, it'll say 'my site' anywhere {$wpheader} appears.

Author arthuc01
#9 · Posted: 8 Feb 2004 22:16
The trouble I have with that is that if I want to include PHP in the header and footer.

If all I needed to do was include plain text I can do

$wpheader="my site";

And it would do the same thing as putting

$wpheader="my site";

but If I want to use header or footer to pull say a dynamically generated menu I can't do it this way - or if I can I'm not good enough at PHP to realise how. (ie can't have

$wpheader="<?php some php script ?>";

or can I?

Author Team
#10 · Posted: 9 Feb 2004 07:34
:) yes you can .. you need to learn a bit programming though

for example in some php script there's $wpheader variable

you include this script in bb_plugins.php for example
using include 'somescript.php'; directive

and then $wpheader becomes available in all other files where bb_plugins.php is included(like index.php in our example) and in the bb_plugins.php itself of cours

I suggest you to read some tutorials about how basic php functions work and about php includes as well

Author rusty
#11 · Posted: 6 Apr 2004 01:10
maybe you can try this.

in your bb_plugins.php :


function execute($phpfile) {
$descriptorspec = array(
0 => array("pipe", "r"),
1 => array("pipe", "w"),
2 => array("file", "/dev/null", "a"),
$process = proc_open("php", $descriptorspec, $pipes);
if (is_resource($process)) {
$code = file_get_contents ($phpfile, true);
fwrite($pipes[0], $code);
while(!feof($pipes[1])) {
$res .= fgets($pipes[1], 1024);
$phpfooter = $res;
return $res;

$phpheader = execute('./templates/php_header.php');
$phpfooter = execute('./templates/php_footer.php');


good luck.


Author Guest_Rik
#12 · Posted: 7 Mar 2007 17:38

thanks for that but when I do it like you explained I always get X-Powered-By: PHP/5.1.6 Content-type: text/html before the php include.

Any reason why?

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#13 · Posted: 8 Mar 2007 02:46

Author Guest_Rik
#14 · Posted: 8 Mar 2007 06:20
Thanks for the link, that's exactly what I was searching.

I do need to say that I did do Google searchs (for more than a half hour) without finding anything.
And that it was only after not finding anything that I posted here.

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#15 · Posted: 8 Mar 2007 06:34
Just curious: what kind of phrases to search have you entered?

I've entered just what you have posted here and found it within less than a minute...

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 Wordpress' PHP Header/footer
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