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db shema questions

Author ike
#1 · Posted: 11 Feb 2004 19:22
Hi .

I need to reinsert all the posts from and older forum into our new minibb forum. They were extracted and formatted into simple XML, and will now be inserted manually (via SQL INSERT statements) into the new database. This is where I need some help. The db schema you use is poorly commented. I got some info from the setup_mysql.php file, and am asking you for the rest.

The DB seams to contain 6 tables; of those I only need two: $Tt (topics) and $Tp (posts). Please explain to me, what their fields are, in what format, and what a specific values mean.

Thanks in advance,
-ike, .si

Author Team
#2 · Posted: 12 Feb 2004 10:35
You can find database structure in _install_mysql.sql
Field names are intuitive to understand, I guess.

Author ike
#3 · Posted: 12 Feb 2004 15:33
You guessed rather right. :)
Muchus thx, team.

If your ever need any text cut-up work (sed, awk and the like) or shell programming (bash), drop me line. My email is in your database.

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 db shema questions
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