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quote problem in Safari

Author madmac
#1 · Posted: 17 Jan 2004 08:34
in Safari, the quote function prints this out to the message input box (and also does not popup the JS warning if you have no text selected):


Author Team
#2 · Posted: 18 Jan 2004 13:22
Seems like safari doesn't support modern Javscript fully . We can't check what's wrong there as we don't have any Mac currently available, but in the Netscape 7.X for Mac it will work just fine.

Author fubar
#3 · Posted: 23 Jan 2004 16:30
> Seems like safari doesn't support modern Javscript fully .

Yes, Safari is a mess!

Author madmac
#4 · Posted: 7 Feb 2004 04:35
>but in the Netscape 7.X for Mac it will work just fine.

That is really a terrible attitude to have considering most Mac users (including myself) have no reason to download Netscape 7. And it is silly to download a new browser just for a bulletin board.

No other bulletin board has trouble making javascript work cross-browser.

Author Sergei
#5 · Posted: 7 Feb 2004 05:36
Trust me :) We don't dislike Macs ;) I'm using Mac G5 Xservers at work every day and I love them ;) But we don't like some browser developer attitude to how they browser should support modern standarts. Still we could add Mac support for the quote too, but unfortunately there's no way for us to test it on Safari browser! It's a pity haven't released cross-platform emulator for its browser yet. We're using PCs at home, and my Mac servers at work are plain command-prompt, nobody will install GUI and Safari on a server, of course ;) As soon as we'll get a Mac to make some tests - we'll add Safari support.

Author madmac
#6 · Posted: 15 Feb 2004 20:58
So you only support Netscape 7 or higher? You will be counting out alot of users then.

Also, there are plenty of resources on the internet for developing cross-platform/cross-browser javascript. You don't absolutely have to have a Mac to make it work on one ;)

Author Anonymous
#7 · Posted: 16 Feb 2004 00:14
That is really a terrible attitude to have considering most Mac users (including myself) have no reason to download Netscape 7. And it is silly to download a new browser just for a bulletin board.

No other bulletin board has trouble making javascript work cross-browser.

Then do not use miniBB. Simple.

Author Team
#8 · Posted: 16 Feb 2004 16:06
I don't know why JavaScript problem could affect Safari users AND miniBB. miniBB works great even w/o JS, JS is just a simple addin to that. If you are TOO LAZY to type bb-codes or make quotes by hand, than it is not a browser's - it's a person's problem.

Author madmac
#9 · Posted: 16 Feb 2004 19:19
I don't know why JavaScript problem could affect Safari users AND miniBB. miniBB works great even w/o JS, JS is just a simple addin to that. If you are TOO LAZY to type bb-codes or make quotes by hand, than it is not a browser's - it's a person's problem.

well if miniBB followed the bb-code standards we would have no problem. The standard method to make quotes is [quote]...[/quote]. However miniBB does follow that standard, so when a user tries it and it does not work, they use the "Quote" link to see how quotes are done on this BB, and get no help there either, as the JS does not work. That is not their problem. That is not the browser's problem. That is miniBB's problem.

Ha, I find it kind of ironic how you say you do not like some browser developer's attitudes about how they support modern standards, when you guys yourself do not support standards in certain areas.

Author MB
#10 · Posted: 17 Feb 2004 00:18
No one is perfect, Madmac. Besides what did you expect from a free product?

Author Team
#11 · Posted: 17 Feb 2004 03:58
edit bb_codes php copy pattern related to [i][/i] and change it to [quote] [/quote]
that's pretty simple
as to javascript you can also take the one which works in Safari and use it in your template and let us know, so that we can include it in our next update

and i'm placing a big black dot here.. these discussions are getting nowhere.

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 quote problem in Safari
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