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Template variables

Author Grunff
#1 · Posted: 27 Feb 2004 00:08
I'm trying to display some more info by the user's name, as outputted in main_posts_cell.html.

I've placed the output I want in a variable which is set in bb_func_vthread.php, but I can't figure out how the template parsing works!

I tries putting the variable in main_posts_cell.html like this {$myvar}, but it doesn't get parsed + outputted.

Any clues?

Many thanks.

Author Grunff
#2 · Posted: 27 Feb 2004 00:39
D'oh - please ignore, I was being an idiot. That is exactly how you do it - it just helps if your variable actually contains something!

Author link92
#3 · Posted: 2 Jan 2005 21:51
How is this done in version 2?

Author Team
#4 · Posted: 3 Jan 2005 10:27
The same way as in all versions :-) Declare variable in your script and put it in a template like {$variable}

Author link92
#5 · Posted: 4 Jan 2005 00:32
OK :)

Re-cycled miniBB Support Forums / Re-cycled /
 Template variables
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