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missing borders/quotes solution

Author lime
#1 · Posted: 31 Mar 2004 23:11
Hello, I recently installed the solution for user quotes that I got from the download section.

After I put it in and tested it, I saw that it worked but now my replies have lost the border between them.

If you don't understand look here.

There should be lines dividing the replies. The index page shows proper divisions between topics as you can see here here but it seems only the replies have become distorted.

Can anyone help me with fixing this problem? What code or template do I have to modify to fix it so I have borders again?


Author fruitfly
#2 · Posted: 1 Apr 2004 05:10
The things I would check is 1) the template for the main posts area (I'm sorry, I can't remember just which template it iss 2) I'd check your style sheet, make sure the borders are on for the class that it uses.

Author lime
#3 · Posted: 1 Apr 2004 07:45
I finally fixed it. I double checked all the files I had to change and noticed that the problem was in main_posts_cell.html

I had copied and pasted the instructions from the readme which was this:

<td valign=top width="85%"><small>{$l_posted}: {$postDate}{$editedBy}{$viewIP}<br><script language="JavaScript">getQuotation('{$posterName}');</script>{$allowed }<div align=left><br>{$posterText}</div></td>

But since that was actually for an older version of miniBB, it didn't have a class for the cell.

I changed it to:
<td valign=top width="85%" class=caption1><span class=txtSm>{$l_posted}: {$postDate}{$editedBy}{$viewIP}<br><script language="JavaScript">getQuotation('{$posterName}');</script>{$allowed }</span><div align=left><br>{$posterText}</div></td>

to include class=caption1 and change <small> to <span class=small>

Hint to team: you may want to update the readme in the package, or even if you don't, a note in the desription of the download might be helpful to other users.

Author Team
#4 · Posted: 1 Apr 2004 10:14
It's third party solution, so we are not responsible for it.

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 missing borders/quotes solution
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