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Best regards for the New Year!

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#1 · Posted: 1 Jan 2007 04:15
Despite it is well known fact that Jesus was born not the same day as if we celebrate his birthday nowadays, and probably there is a calculation error between the ages in general (as there is always a possible inaccuracy in any kind of such big timeline), so we can't be sure the new year, actually, has been started... despite all that the most important part of the celebration is a feeling of the holiday. We know we don't have it enough, but we do not even know what is time and how to define it, so is it really important? But this new year feeling of something passed and breathcoming, gives us new ideas of fresh thinking, allowing us to throw out the unnecessary.

I wish all of our customers and users a year saturated with positive changes, which will give us more power to build an efficient forum software ;-) I wish you all more peace, more rest and more happiness.

Best regards for the new year from miniBB team!

Author marsbar
Associated Member
#2 · Posted: 1 Jan 2007 16:24
Thank you, Paul! And best wishes from me to you, the mighty miniBB Team and all fellow miniBB users.
- mb

Author tom322
Active Member
#3 · Posted: 2 Jan 2007 00:08
Thank you too, and even Happier New Year!

Author michael1234
#4 · Posted: 13 Jan 2007 21:44
Paul, keep up the great work on the forum. I don't know how it could get any better. Excellent script!

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 Best regards for the New Year!
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