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Checker tool released

Author Team
#1 · Posted: 22 Feb 2006 11:16
Checker is an addon to miniBB, which allows to check new messages since your last visit, reply immediately, also as save your Favourite topics. Having completely fresh and automatic branded interface, this is an incredible tool for constant forum visitors, also as moderators and administrators, which need to analyze new forums stuff instantly.

Checker is a resources-saving replacement for so called "unread topics icon" which you see in another forums. Almost every forum software has nearly the same algorithm for giving a user possibility to determine new replies since his last visit - a special icon near each thread, which indicates unread replies. The algorithm has many weaks; first to mention is huge resources loading. Imagine, that for every member this script must save every topic's ID, besides mark it either read or unread, everytime control user's visit date etc. When you have thousands of users and many thousands of topics, this sounds out-of-concept for miniBB.

That's why the main idea of miniBB check-out-box is to give this greedy automatic algorithm's rules directly in user's hands. Only your real comunity fans (i.e. who really need this tool) will use it, and you will save up resources on random anonymous visitors, search engines, or users, who are visiting your forums not really often, that's why they will not load up your server, as they could with standart solution. The simple, but effective idea will cover the needs in checking new messages on 100%, additionally saving up your resources to 90%!

Administrators of are using Checker on these Live Forums within a few months now. It is tested very well, and despite of the big work invested in this tool, we are offering it now for the smallest fee possible - USD 9,99. Buying this tool, you will support development of miniBB core!

Author hozt
#2 · Posted: 22 Mar 2006 07:33
Has the team considered offering all the premium plugins for sale as a package? It would be very nice to buy package like the test forum that would be ready to go.

Author Team
#3 · Posted: 22 Mar 2006 09:39
Yes, we have plans to release this package officially, combined with all paid plugins also as with most popular free plugins, for a fixed package and installation price. This is actually the version we have on miniBB test server now. But they are just plans, and we want to release completed version of 2.0 before going to that.

Author Moony
#4 · Posted: 22 Mar 2006 17:31
Yes, we have plans to release this package officially, combined with all paid plugins also as with most popular free plugins, for a fixed package and installation price.
Nice idea! Though I have most of the paid plugins I would lilke to buy the whole thing as soon as the final version of MiniBB is there. Please notify me, in case I miss it.

Author Team
#5 · Posted: 23 Mar 2006 08:33
Well, "full thing" will be completely the same as the free miniBB version + paid extensions installed. Everybody who is using these addons, probably knows that they are independant from the main core and could be easily unplugged (also as plugged in). So we will just release a complete paid miniBB package for those who wants all features together, but has no experience or not enough time to compile them all. The price will be the same as all paid extensions sum. It will be compiled by the same principles as if you buy all plugins and tie them all together. We will continue to work on the same free version of miniBB further. This package will be similar just to some kind of forums solution, where we are offering not just software itself, but also installation of it and service support.

I think, if your board is up and running, as well as someone's else, and you are happy with results, it's not the best idea to overload it with new unnecessary features.

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#6 · Posted: 26 Sep 2006 07:04
I'm glad to inform, that Checker tool is back in sales, again. After building a very complex algorithm, we're having finally the tool, which really displays new messages since latest check, and allows to control the forums. It has been tested within around a month on a very active forums (including our own forums), and now it seems we have a very comfortable program, comparing to the first versions.

Probably, it's the most painful and savvy addon for miniBB I have ever created; but this only proves, that "unread" topic icons algorithms, which you may see on other forums, in reality, are far-far away from resource-friendly scripts.

All former buyers are welcome to upgrade and get a free copy. Email me privately, providing your order number.

Author tom322
Active Member
#7 · Posted: 26 Sep 2006 11:03
I can confirm -- it must have been really painful to create, but I'm very satisfied with the results (I'm not easily satisfied I should add ;).

Author Moony
#8 · Posted: 27 Sep 2006 17:47
Almost every forum software has nearly the same algorithm for giving a user possibility to determine new replies since his last visit - a special icon near each thread, which indicates unread replies. The algorithm has many weaks; first to mention is huge resources loading.


Only your real comunity fans (i.e. who really need this tool) will use it, and you will save up resources on random anonymous visitors, search engines, or users, who are visiting your forums not really often, that's why they will not load up your server, as they could with standart solution. The simple, but effective idea will cover the needs in checking new messages on 100%, additionally saving up your resources to 90%, comparing to standard solution!

So why not make the simple icon-system following the same concept? Only those, who need it and who have logged in would use it and in this way save resources.

The system you propose is still too complicated even for me, what to say about my users who will not spend half an hour of their life to understand how it works. It should be so simple, that even my mom could use it.

Author tom322
Active Member
#9 · Posted: 27 Sep 2006 18:55
I tested different systems and I would never go back to the "icon" system -- just try to use Checker and you'll get used to it in no time. I think it's easiest it could be - you go to the Checker and just click on the links which take you to the new messages in the particular topic. You don't have to look for the icons or whatever to check messages from one page...

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#10 · Posted: 28 Sep 2006 05:30
I think, the main problem of Checker is that it's different from what you have seen on other forums. One of our forum software concepts, is to develop a different system. I agree to tom322 - I have developed this tool, after concluding that "icons system" is too uncomfortable to me. What we have now, is more comfortable - but of course, you should know about it works. It's the same like if you're getting a car with new engine management, but it seems unusual to you, because you know, how old system works; that's why you begin to dislike it. At the time this system could be much more better, else previous.

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 Checker tool released
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