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File Storage addon is released on forums

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#1 · Posted: 14 Aug 2006 12:52
New file storage addon is an alternative version of our top-selling File Upload plugin. In comparision to message attachments addon:

*) it uses additional mySQL table (not physical files);

*) all files are stored in one place, called "File Storage";

*) Anonymous users are allowed to upload smaller size files (comparing to registered & logged users, which can upload larger file sizes/types);

*) All files are physically saved with their native extensions, and probably original file names, if they are passing validation;

*) Only one file per upload is allowed;

*) Files are not "automatically" attached to the message, but when writing your message, you can use URL of uploaded file in [imgs] or [url] code, or paste URL directly into the message, referencing or reviewing the file.

How to use File Storage? It's very easy — above each message form (new topic or reply) — you will see "Upload File" button. Clicking on it brings pop-up window, where you can study the upload rules, then upload your file. If the file will be uploaded successfully, copy it's URL to memory buffer (select with mouse, then press Ctrl+C), then close the window and paste the URL in to your message text.

We would prefer, that you save your external files on our forums, using this addon, not 3rd party servers. Files are often expiring, and we have a lot of broken links in result.

This addon is written specially for forums, and we still are not decided, will it be paid plugin finally, or not. Everybody is welcome to test it from all the sides, and report bugs here.

But first of all, of course — feel free to upload your miniBB modifications, skins, language packs, advanced codes, problem screenshots, and other possible files, using this script. Thank you!

Author ziorufus
#2 · Posted: 29 Aug 2006 11:26
Wonderful! It is very useful...
I hope it'll be a free plugin :-)

Alessio Palmero

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#3 · Posted: 23 Jan 2007 09:33
Now released as a premium plugin... after almost half-year of testing. We hope the fee of $14,99 doesn't seem big :-)

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 File Storage addon is released on forums
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