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Image Attachments and Photoalbum add-ons updated

Author Paul
Lead Developer 
#1 | Posted: 4 Nov 2010 09:02 
Both File and Image Attachments and Photo album for miniBB have been recently updated to scale the large image proportionally in the pop-up window. I hope it brings more comfort in quickly viewing large images on the screen, without scrolling them down or right. This is, of course, only for the forums allowing to upload images more than 1 Mb in size. Most likely, all other pictures below that limit, will fit the modern monitors nicely.

Because of that, some options defining placing image in the background, were eliminated, also because of nowadays, when any image could be downloaded passing JavaScript tricks.

In File Attachments add-on, there was eliminated $closedContent option.

In Photo album add-on, there was eliminated $saveAsEnable option, and replaced by $closeByClick option.

In both add-ons, $closeByClick option now only defines if a pop-up could be closed when you click on it. Most commonly that means clicking by the mouse-left-button. In Firefox, for some reason, it also works regarding the mouse-right-button, meaning the picture can't be "Saved As...". It works normally in Opera, Internet Explorer, Google Chrome.

To update the Photo album add-on, just overwrite addon_pics.php and update the aforementioned option.

To update File Attachments add-on, follow the list of files:

- addon_fileupload.php

- addon_fileupload_topic_thumbnails.code.txt - the "hack" for bb_plugins which display little thumbnails - now when you click on a thumbnail, it brings you to the certain post containing the selected image

- addon_fileupload_options.php - $closedContent option is abandoned

- templates/main_post_form.html - {$fileUpload} var moved above the message form, since it appears to be more intuitive for users addicted to Gmail and other "attachment" services.

- lang/fileupload_eng.php - few language changes (not mandatory to update)

- in all templates/addon_fileupload_rules_*.html - removed "Back" link - Disclaimer will be now just opened in a new target window. The target is added to the language pack - $l_uploadFile var.

You may test how these updates work, on our demo forums.

Enjoy and stay updated! :-)

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 Image Attachments and Photoalbum add-ons updated
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