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miniBB 2 Release Candidate 3 is released

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Author crystalclear
#16 · Posted: 6 Jun 2005 03:05
Okay, this is me playing with and abusing the system again.

knowing I could use
as a smiley, I tried to extend it with something different in mind.

I know of a bulletin board where posters commonly abbreviate directors initials when discussing a certain company. So I thought of replaing the initial with a picture of the director, as if it were a smiley.

in the smilies file.

The software has no problem replacing DE with grin.gif but cannot replace DE with DE.jpg, where DE.jpg is a pretty large (big as your thumb) JPEG format file.


I have already said, I like your software.
Is there a better place to post these remarks, as I don't want casual passers to think the software is buggy, whereas in fact it is the only PHP bulletin board I have been able to install from three attempts (WBoard and phpBB failed), and your software is bullet proof enough to cope with my accidental version mismatch between base and addons!

PS I'm called Ivan too. Its a surprise to keep seeing the name and knowing it doesn't refer to me, as there are not too many Ivans in the UK!

Author Team
#17 · Posted: 6 Jun 2005 13:00
img/smilies/smdesc.php - this is the file you need to look at, for inserting new smilie code and file name. No [url][img] tags are necessary for smilies.

[img](h)ttp://[/im g] - this is the only code you need for inserting an image. No [url] or another BB codes here. You are complicating the simple thing.

Querty - these are forums where you may try & check any shit.

Author Team
#18 · Posted: 6 Jun 2005 21:59
Maybe you could call the database version upgrade procedures from something not run too often like bb_admin, and the BB administrator then wouldn't have to worry his head about upgrading the database, it would be done for him transparentlly as part of the new software. - so, we don't see a sense in that. We need to write very big updating script just for what? Just for user updating his database once per year. As for including a check 'Duplicate column name' - so, mySQL won't allow to duplicate fields in any case (I don't know how with database on which you worked - maybe it was impossible to add columns there without altering another columns... it mySQL it's ok).

So, this is mentioned here - and that's ok.

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 miniBB 2 Release Candidate 3 is released
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