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miniBB 3.4 RC1 released, Mobile/Responsive add-on update

Author Paul
Lead Developer 
#1 · Posted: 29 Nov 2018 20:18
miniBB version 3.4 Release Candidate 1 is being released to public today. There's a major change in the number, 'cause we need to make it notable to end users: all add-ons which will be updated for this version, will be compliant only with this version in the future. So far there is only a majestic core release, which we strongly encourage as a new installation for every starter. Existing forum owners may wait for all add-ons update, which should be completed within 2 weeks, and upgrade to the final version, when it will be removed from a Release Candidate status. Note that this release is stable disregarding its RC status. Whatever change may be applied, will be related only to the functions listed below.

In this version miniBB makes another big step forward, related to the pure Unicode/UTF-8 forums, i.e. those having content written heavily using 2-bytes char languages. New functions for UTF-8 text parsing introduced, all add-ons will be updated for these functions. The new functions are about substr_unicode, strlen_unicode, strtolower_unicode and they will replace the standard substr, strtolower and strlen, which were used in the core and the add-ons of the previous versions. We already extended the Requirements page and now it's important to check for Multibyte String Functions available in your PHP configuration. MiniBB will either use those functions if they are available (that's the best and the fastest method); or if they are not, miniBB then will use its own built-in functions.

Accordingly to these functions, In the miniBB Manual, there's added a standalone chapter of How to set up your forums properly in Unicode/UTF-8, which explains how to check and test your database and miniBB installation for the full UTF-8 compatibility. If you start the forums in UTF-8, it's important to set up everything initially so it doesn't need a change in the future, which is painful.

In this version, optional Logins via email-address were implemented; Password restoration now includes just a common message (keeping email addresses not disclosured); also there are updates related to the default and Mobile layouts, and some other fixes.

Like usually, every change comparing to the previous version, is listed in the bottom part of the Updates History.

The Mobile/Responsive Layout add-on has been updated immediately among this version as well. It includes some minor interface improvements, which are mostly fixes of the previous release; but also it is now compatible only with miniBB 3.4 because of the major change of the string functions in the code of bb_plugins.php.

In the next few days or possibly couple of weeks (hopefully it won't take longer time), in this thread I will post the notes on the progress of updates of the add-ons, which will include compatibility with this release and probably some other improvements collected by the time of the previous miniBB release 3.3.

Stay tuned, and enjoy using miniBB :)

Author tom322
Active Member
#2 · Posted: 29 Nov 2018 21:12
In bb_func_posthold.php - I only wonder if there is any difference between the old and the new value, ie.



(I'd assume their result will always be the same?)

Author Paul
Lead Developer 
#3 · Posted: 29 Nov 2018 23:24
if there is any difference between the old and the new value
Like it's mentioned in the Updates History, this change is not about the Unicode length ($postRange is always a numerical value, Unicode chars couldn't be present in it; and $wLen just sets the length of the field which displays the amount of seconds left on the post-hold form). It's only about more proper code which converts a numerical value to a string value. I wasn't sure how this types contradiction could be handled in different versions of PHP, that's why I've introduced more proper code from the perspective of a types-conversion.

Author Paul
Lead Developer 
#4 · Posted: 30 Nov 2018 19:22
Today's update for the UTF8-based strings includes the following add-ons:

Keyword-rich URLs (now includes the conversion table for major European Unicode chars, and explanations of how to set up the other replacements properly)

First page news


Forums Checker

The Captcha add-on includes some minor fixes regarding more proper handling of variable types; the version number wasn't changed.

All these add-ons are installed on our forums.

Author Paul
Lead Developer 
#5 · Posted: 4 Dec 2018 00:23
Today's update of the add-ons includes:

File & Image Attachments - there's no truly an update for miniBB 3.4, but possible an improvement of a previous version of this add-on (now 2.3.1). An update includes changes in the codes for `parseMessage` function and bb_plugins2.php, there's more gentle of handling file extensions (via pathinfo - faster for pre-existing and verified data), prevention of uploading empty image files (with possible yet not applicable hijacks inside), and compatibility for Unicode-filenames, which should be not converted to their alphanumerical equivalents anymore.

Smilies - no update for miniBB 3.4, I've just put `rel="nofollow"` for all code-hyperlinked images.

Avatars - no actual update for miniBB 3.4; I've just put in the README, and you should always keep in mind, that only alphanumerical chars must be used in pre-existing avatar's names, and their extensions should have strictly 3 chars.

Signatures and Disclaimer & Policy add-ons were just verified and there are no updates for miniBB 3.4.

Author Paul
Lead Developer 
#6 · Posted: 6 Dec 2018 23:55
Today's workout includes update of the following add-ons regarding UTF-8 strings/texts:

File Bank - also contains some fixes regarding wrong extensions uploaded, and error handling;

Private Messaging Service,

Photo Album,


The following add-ons were verified for UTF-8 compatibility, and there were no changes applied:

Polls & Surveys,

Profiles Checker,


Author Paul
Lead Developer 
#7 · Posted: 13 Dec 2018 19:19
Today's production updates include the following add-ons regarding UTF-8 strings/texts:

Pre-moderation - the only small update for miniBB 3.4 is in the addon_premod_panel.php file;

"Bad" words filter - major updates for miniBB 3.4 UTF-8 functions. The sorting script now available to admin only (fix);

Preview - addon_preview.php - updates for miniBB 3.4 UTF-8 function "strlen_unicode".

The following add-ons contained minor updates, which were not related to miniBB 3.4 (so they are still compatible with 3.3 and some of them with the older versions of miniBB):

(*) Advanced Anchors - added 'PAGE1_OFFSET' and 'GO_POST' definitions for custom add-ons;

(*) Who's Online - bb_plugins.code.txt - $whosOnline block - "forumsmb" replaced to a simple "forums" class (it allows less space at the bottom of the page between the footer, and so looking the TOP navigation more smooth)

(*) Last Visit - the only fix is about compatibility with the "Time-Ago" addon (if they are both installed, Last Visit still should display Today/Yesterday).

The following add-ons were verified for UTF-8 compatibility, and there were no changes applied:

Time Ago

Members List



Author Paul
Lead Developer 
#8 · Posted: 14 Dec 2018 20:32
Today I've checked the add-ons listed below, and concluded there are no changes, which could be related to the UTF functions change in miniBB 3.4:

Direct email

Moving Replies

Merge Topics

Multiple Topics Action

Unchecked Topics Indicator

Check User's IPs By ID

Users Month Stats

New Configurable Topic Form

Essential Nickname

Author Paul
Lead Developer 
#9 · Posted: 17 Dec 2018 20:13
The final update of the add-ons today includes the add-ons listed below, but there's only one minor change - `rel="nofollow"` snippet added to all BB-code-button-related codes. There is no update related to miniBB 3.4 core changes.

Color Picker

YouTube Videos

Vimeo Videos

Bulleted List


Highlight Text

This sums up the major verification of all add-ons made compatible with miniBB 3.4.
The core stable release with a minor change will be released shortly.

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 miniBB 3.4 RC1 released, Mobile/Responsive add-on update
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