By mass consumers/users I meant not those who use forums for communication, but those who install them on the sites.
I guess, 3-5% of the total mass is not such critical to take it into consideration...
it's for professionals who understand what to do with all this code
We never denied it. Like in any other area, I personally prefer to use professional services. Visiting professionally build websites is the same pleasure like visiting a professional dentist which will fix your teeth with no pain. Visiting same-driven-engine, ugly looking website build by an amateur always mean you will never come there again.
But... again, this is a question for a specific audience only. Most of users have absolutely no idea what stands in the background of the thing they see on their monitor. They just click the buttons and prefer to wait as less time as possible while the page loads. Intuition + speed. An easy successful Internet formula.
Paul, has you ever asked community for help?
I am doing it right now :-)
Anyway, it's not the thing I should ask. I don't know everybody's wishes. If you have a wish to work on the project in any case, just do it. For example, all these language packs we have. I never asked users that we need 40 language packs. They came on the way themselves. If something is not going on the way, I suppose it's not required. That's what I know.
But what about for example settings? You need to edit txt file full of code. Why not to make special panel or smth like this?
So, could you program such kind of panel?
I understand we might have this, we might have that... But who will program all that? I guess this mad moron Paul should do that, again.
It's all because there is no integration with CMS I use.
It's because you're not a coder. You wasn't able to program the bridge with miniBB and CMS, and you tried to save your money to take the weak/buggy solution for free, instead of hiring the professional do the work for you in a couple of hours. miniBB
CAN BE INTEGRATED in almost any system. At the non-destructive, upgrades-planned level. I did tens of various integrations for my customers. I
know miniBB stands perfect in that case comparing to others.
So why not to make integrations wiht some other CMSs except Wordpress (I don't know what are the most popular, may be Joomla or Drupal).
I don't know, too :-) In my opinion, CMS is the most imperfect thing in Internet world. Specially Drupal or Joomla. I have seen their functions and code. Blowing.
I already explained it many times on forums: if 3rd party developers would keep their databases and authorizations stable, there would be no problem for me to develop such things. It's pretty easy, really. But they always change their programs, so it means, we also should support these integrations all the time, i.e. share our time to support their programs. Sounds silly, no?..
I have seen it many times with other software. There are kind of bridges, which are supposed to work. But as soon as you begin installing them, you see they all are expired. As to repeat - I still didn't meet a person who would support something for a very long time for free. It's an utopia.
If that's all... you see, they are all questions to the community. I am not able to work on everything on my own, specially on that everything I personally consider wasteful.
Other than that, I didn't find anything useful in your advices, something which I don't know about yet. Maybe that's why