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miniBB version 2.0.4 released

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#1 · Posted: 4 May 2007 04:45
miniBB 2.0.4 includes a lot of small fixed and adjustments collected within 4 months after release of miniBB latest version. For example, automated URL highlighting for guests and members who's made less than X posting, is now an option. The new option $reply_to_email also introduces a secondary email which could be visible in Reply-To fields in all automated letters. Other changes also include small, non-critical and non-security related updates; however as usually, it is recommended for everybody to upgrade to this version. Just because to make your forums better!

Working on this release, I have spent unusually small amount of time (specially comparing to the huge time while we were working on the pre-releases of 2.0 series). I've just collected small issues and fixes reported by our customers, and compiled them altogether within couple of hours. That could mean the job we do for miniBB software becomes a bit easier. I hope in the future it will be even more easier - that would definitely mean we have a stable version. Less whistles, but no bugs - that is our goal.

As always, please take a look at the bottom of Updating history which contains the information on how to upgrade from the previous release to this version.

I hope the changes which were made for this release, do not contain any security holes. However, feel free to add a note to this thread if you find any bugs, mistakes or errors.

Author JonNiBravo
#2 · Posted: 8 May 2007 11:49
After update forum to 2.0.4 some users can't login.
main page always reload, like in cycle.

But I and some other users login normally.

sorry for my english
site _ttp://

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#3 · Posted: 8 May 2007 11:55
I am absolutely sure nothing have been changed in the new release regarding the login issues. Nor bb_func_login.php nor bb_cookie.php files were changed. So it seems it is your custom problem, and it is hidden somewhere else... as you see on our forums the login functions with no problem as previously.

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#4 · Posted: 9 May 2007 08:52
Just a quick note regarding the installation file which was not mentioned previously (it doesn't affect the upgrading): now _install.php contains more improved analytic report about the hosting most important parameters: register_globals, safe mode, GD/FreeType library and folder's protection.

This script also could be used separately for quick analysis of any hosting. Just type


and this will give you analytic report ONLY with no installation.

This report is created for your definitive knowledge about insecure hosting settings before installing open source script. Despite miniBB will run even if the analysis gives you a warning, it means you must be extra careful in the future, following all our software's security updates and upgrading the forums in time.

Because many users do not even care about the upgrades, by this report we will pay your additional attention to the insecure issues and particularly that this software comes with no warranty.

Author Ivan
Advanced Member
#5 · Posted: 9 May 2007 17:45
Hi Paul! :) I like very much these small hidden utilities-like and options in miniBB! :)

I'm still with 2.0.1a, but promise that I'll upgrade as soon as I clean my machine (physically), what I gave my word about around two months ago :)

Despite that, I read all the time the notes about the new distributions and think that I wouldn't ever switch to another forum software :)

Best regards! :)

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 miniBB version 2.0.4 released
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