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Moving Replies addon updated

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#1 · Posted: 26 Oct 2006 05:52
An updated version includes possibility to move MANY messages at once, if the $enableGroupMsgDelete option is enabled. This is very useful for forum admins and moderators (like us currently - we're on active stage of removing expired stuff on our forums, and concatenating similar topics into one). It is also possible to move many message at once to the newly created topic.

The addon has been tested by me personally, when arranging forums stuff, within almost 2 weeks. I'm finding it more suitable, than Mergeing topics addon. When mergeing topics (so topic doesn't become a mess), script re-calculates message IDs and create new ID for each merged message. That causes the topic appearing in the Latest Discussions list, at the time messages may be posted early than in current year even. Mergeing topics is useful, if you concatenate recently posted topic with some older topic; but when archiving the forums, moving just messages is much more efficient. Additionally, you can delete some messages in this process. This helps a lot in re-organizing old stuff.

Feel free to install and test it... report any bugs here. Thank you!

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 Moving Replies addon updated
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