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Poll addon updated (rev.1.3)

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Author Team
#1 | Posted: 10 Mar 2005 12:23
One more update (rev.1.3), notes from the author:

- In fact there on a bug with IE because user could not create
a poll with more than 3 answers. Now, it works with firefox
and IE.
- I add a link for tha admin who can now lock and unlock a poll.
I hope there is no more bug.

(Note: The free version of this add-on has no longer support. Download/update to the Premium version, if needed).

Author daddyjoel
#2 | Posted: 10 Mar 2005 15:17
Readme need a little work, but I do love the hack and thank you for your efforts.

/* UPGRADE 1.2 TO 1.3*/
1 - Replace hack_poll.php, hack_poll_functions.php
2 - Replace all the template
3- In your language file, you must add:


should be

$l_areYouSureActivePoll='Are you sure you want to unlock this poll?';

Author cakeman
#3 | Posted: 10 Mar 2005 15:24
the value of these variable depend on your langage pack. I put no value because there are all in hack_poll_txt.php. User can choose what value they want.
Perhaps It is not very clear in readme file ...

Author Anonymous
#4 | Posted: 10 Mar 2005 15:48
I can create a poll but when I click on the created poll the poll does not open to allow votes

I log in as admin and cannot delete or lock poll
table data seems okay in mysql

ne1 know what my problem is?

Author cakeman
#5 | Posted: 10 Mar 2005 16:08
really strange, as a guest I would be able to see the poll (without voting) and I can not.

Can you describe what you did to install the addon poll ?

Author Anonymous
#6 | Posted: 11 Mar 2005 06:25
followed the instructions in the readme - used phpmyadmin to add tables to existing database - I cannot create new databases.

Author cakeman
#7 | Posted: 11 Mar 2005 09:16
It is not precise enough if you want me to help you. Perhaps you made a mistake because the readme is not quite clear. That is why I must know precisely what you did.
Try to copy the files again !

Author Pascal
#8 | Posted: 11 Mar 2005 20:24
Another question regarding the poll-addon : I notice that the answers available to the voters are displayed in reverse order compared to the list of answers when creating the poll. Is this a bug ?


Author cakeman
#9 | Posted: 11 Mar 2005 20:45
No it is not a bug, In fact, it is not really important, It is only chance ...
do you care about that ?

Author Pascal
#10 | Posted: 11 Mar 2005 20:48
Actually, yes. The order of the answers can be important, depending on the poll. Do you know how to change this ?


Author cakeman
#11 | Posted: 11 Mar 2005 21:24
I want to make good job and don't write a new release every day ;)
So, can you tell me all your suggestions or notice about the plugin. We can discuss about it and write a new release next week for example.

In fact, few people give me notice about this addon. I do not need any feature for my personnal use but I see that I am not alone ;)) and it is good.

To anwser, I will see what I can do about the order of answsers.

reverse order compared to the list of answers when creating the poll
It is not true all the time. Indeed, there is no condition about the orders when I select the answers in database.

Author Anonymous
#12 | Posted: 12 Mar 2005 08:35
when I log out as admin from Poll section I get this error message:

Notice: Undefined offset: 1 in /home/ftpuser/tambobluff/generalforum/bb_cookie.php on line 15

Notice: Undefined offset: 2 in /home/ftpuser/tambobluff/generalforum/bb_cookie.php on line 15

might that have something to do with my problem as described above?

Have triple-checked installation procedure.

Author Anonymous
#13 | Posted: 12 Mar 2005 09:38
Have triple-checked installation procedure.

I also sometimes get the name 'deleted' in the name login box

Author cakeman
#14 | Posted: 12 Mar 2005 14:50
minibb version ?

Author Pascal
#15 | Posted: 12 Mar 2005 15:37
So, can you tell me all your suggestions or notice about the plugin. We can discuss about it and write a new release next week for example.

I have 2 suggestions :

1) Keep the order of answers as they are entered on the create-page as I mentioned before.
2) An admin-submit only function (forum users can vote but not create votes) (as mentioned in the readme-file)

And maybe the following, but it's not urgent at all :

3) start a forum-subject directly related to the score of a poll (comment to the poll); "full integration". (as mentioned in the readme-file)

The other four future version-plans as mentioned in the readme-file aren't necessary.


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