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Polls and Surveys addon is released

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#1 · Posted: 19 Jun 2007 10:50
Finally, the long-awaited Polls addon is coming on sale officially. Developed during more than half year with the great help and testing of our best customers, now this thing is ready to rock your mind.

Main features:

- Multiple polls per one topic are available (strictly one poll per topic is possible to set);

- Guest voting is available (could be turned on/off - we recommend to use this feature amongst C.a.p.t.c.h.a. addon installed);

- One-voting or Multiple-voting Polls are available to create;

- Polls list is available in one place showing all Surveys alltogether, that way allowing your members to vote comfortably in one place for many Polls;

- Poll's code could be pasted as the regular BB code in ANY place of your message's text, that way allowing to combine the Survey's layout with other BB codes, also as File attachment, File storage, Preview, Smileys, Private messaging, and other possible addons.

Read more information on the Polls addon page.

In action, test it on miniBB testing site.

Paying just $19,99, you pay for hundreds of hours of our work and development process invested into most advanced miniBB addon of all times... thank you in advance!

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 Polls and Surveys addon is released
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