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Private Messaging add-on and few other add-ons updates

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#1 · Posted: 2 Aug 2007 05:38
Private Messaging add-on version 2.0.2 comes with a couple of new features which probably most of you will find suitable:

1) Now any message which has been received from a forums member (nor admin nor moderator) will contain a "Report" link which allows to re-send this message to the admin and/or all forums moderators. That way it is possible to report abusive messages to the forums staff. Reporting to moderators could be disabled in options.

2) Additional optional feature offers sending of the first 'welcome' PM right after registration. It is possible to modify the proper template and set the text for this message.

Improved version also contains few small bugfixes. Limit of the received messages for moderators has been eliminated as well (as in the previous versions, the same for the admin).

The core scripts for PM add-on were patched a lot, so please pay attention to the new files, templates, options and codes when updating this add-on. The files are:

lang/pmail_eng.php - locate new variables at the end of file
templates/addon_pmail_viewmsg.html - {$reportJs} + {$reportLnk} added
templates/addon_pmail_alert.html - new
templates/addon_pmail_notifymsg_eng.html - new
addon_pmail_send.php - new
addon_pmail_options.php: new mandatory options $alertMods, $pmWelcomeMsg

bb_plugins2.code - new

Development of the new features has been supported with the great help and sponsorship of CUSTOM WRITTEN website.

During these days we also have updated few other add-ons which include:

- Forums Checker - the code for bb_plugins.php was separated into 2 parts. As we have noticed, if you're using both Checker and PM, for example, the top menu links may "disappear" - in PM there won't be Checker's link, and otherwise. It is needed to split the Checker's code and put the code for the top link above the PM code.

- File Upload & Image Galleries add-on - now the upload error (JS alert) will be reported if you upload the 'wrong' file while editing the message; if you uploading boxes number is too large (let's say 3 or more) they should be hidden in the message posting form until you click on the proper link and expand them.

Updated files for the file upload are:

/lang/fileupload_eng.php : new variable $l_uploadFiles
addon_fileupload_options.php - new option $jsUploadFields (not mandatory)

- Captcha add-on - the "exit" statement has been eliminated in bb_plugins2.code

Thank you for reading this - and welcome to report in this thread any bug you find.

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 Private Messaging add-on and few other add-ons updates
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