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Private Messaging add-on updated

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#1 · Posted: 4 Oct 2007 06:44
Latest version of Private Communication add-on has been updated to have finally (I hope) all bells & whistles such add-on might have. It includes the new option $staffNoMsgLimit which allows to drop the limitation of messages amount for admin and/or moderators; also as the new option $reportMsgLimit which sets the forum messages limit amount for the user before it could report other postings to the forums staff. Yes - now optional feature of this add-on includes possibility to provide a "Report" link near each message for allowed users, which could help you in forums administering that way. Ignoring/blocking feature of users also is extended to have a special note field.

We thank maintainers of Work At Home Forum for their sponsorship of forum reporting feature.

There are few steps to upgrade this add-on from the previous version 2.1:

- mySQL module users - modify the database with the following command, substituting the proper table name:

alter table minibbtable_pmessages_blocked add column blocked_reason varchar(254) not null default '';

- add new mandatory options mentioned above, to addon_pmail_options.php

- modify pmail_eng.php or other language pack to add new variables listed at the end of that file

- update/overwrite addon_pmail.php, addon_pmail_send.php

- update or overwrite the template templates/addon_pmail_alert.html so it has all proper form fields and JavaScript checking function

- update all codes coming for bb_plugins.php including:

/* Private messaging service code */ (new msgAlert() function of JS)
/* Private Messages - removing user from admin panel */

/* Private Messaging add-on - Report link */ - follow README.txt on how to install message reporting link in forum messages.

Old customers are welcome to enter their area and download the updated package with no fees. All new users are welcome to purchase this add-on which in my opinion could not be simply called an add-on at all :-) It appears to be a very big and functional program which takes almost 1/2 size of miniBB! I would promise we will not introduce anything new in it for a while...

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 Private Messaging add-on updated
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