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Private Messaging add-on updates: standalone database to connect, avatars and message previews in lists, alerts section for admins

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#1 · Posted: 28 May 2024 20:03
The development of the new version of the Private Messages add-on lasted for a bit less than a year, that's why comparing files and scripts by date, don't wonder some of them may come from 2023. It's normal. Together with the maintainers of the Looti forum, we just needed to make sure the new heavy changes work normally on the live forum. Now it appears to be fully tested and ready to public release. At least we hope so :)

Important and major updates of the add-on are listed below:

— Now it's possible to create a completely standalone database for private messages, separating them from the forum contents database. It's extremely useful for large forums, make databases more reliable in performace and backups, and allows to significantly increase the limits of PM boxes.

— The Alerts now are separated to the standalone section of PM panel for forums' admins and moderators. It's also very convenient for the forums getting a lot of suspicious or unwanted posts, often reported by regular users.

— Optimization of the Sent folder/section — now BCCs and Alerts won't be saved there.

— If you have the Avatars add-on installed, members avatars now will be also displayed in the Listings for all PM sections, not just on the Message View page;

— Optionally, now it's possible to turn on the message previews (certain amount of words) in the Listings for all PM sections.

Other updates include layout fixes and minor bugfixes in internal routines.

For the update:

— Execute the SQL statement from the bottom part of pmail.sql, related to the creation of minibbtable_pmessages_alerts table.

— To your language pack, add new variable: $l_pmMessages_alerts — and preferrably change/shorten the value of $l_pmMessagesTxtMobile (look up for default from the package located below in /lang/pm_eng.php).

— Backup and then overwrite all of .php scripts from the package (addon_pmail_*.php), except for the addon_pmail_options.php[/i:, add the following new options to it from default script, like $Tpma, $PM_DBhost, $PM_DBname, $PM_DBusr, $PM_DBpwd, $pmUseAvatars and $pmPreviewTextWords; note the new file: [i]addon_pmail_connect.php.

— Fix self-closed tags and update <script> tags in all templates (under templates/addon_pmail_*.html) — or just backup and overwrite default ones.

— If your PM templates are customized, compare to defaults and look up/change the following: <!--export--> block in addon_pmail_msgs.html; {$pmsg_preview} and <!--user_pm_avatar_{$userfrom}--> in addon_pmail_msgs_cell.html; <!--alerts--> in addon_pmail_panel.html; {$user_pm_avatar} in addon_pmail_viewmsg.html.

— Update all codes from bb_plugins.code.txt, bb_plugins2.code.txt and bb_plugins_parseMessage.code.txt for related scripts.

The add-on has been also updated on miniBB demo and in Compiler (note that default setting now enables sending of PM greeting, and you could disable it in Compiler, in opposite to the previous version).

Update of the Mobile add-on, containing fixed templates for the mentioned changes in PM add-on, follows shortly this week.

News miniBB Support Forums / News /
 Private Messaging add-on updates: standalone database to connect, avatars and message previews in lists, alerts section for admins
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