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"Who's Online" plug-in released

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Author zorglub
#16 | Posted: 2 Mar 2005 17:57
yup I will make a screenshot. I think it is like when the website crahes (con't connect,...)

Author Team
#17 | Posted: 2 Mar 2005 18:06
What exactly on your site crashes? Connection to database? This plugin is independant from database; however, in this case, you should not to see forums at all.

Author zorglub
#18 | Posted: 2 Mar 2005 18:49
yp, that's what happens : I don't see the forums just 'database error' message... But I'm not sure it is linked with.

Could it be when there are many connexions ?...

I'll wait for it to happen again and I'll tell you ~exactly. For now, I just noticed that the counter had been resseted several time for now !

Author zorglub
#19 | Posted: 2 Mar 2005 19:04
So it happened : from one page

Connectés : Invités - 32
Membres - 9 [ Florinda, tweety, To, Knarf, dragounet, Keneda, Zib, duducu, zorglub ] Record : 41 [2 Mar 2005 17:23:12]
Invités - 32 / Membres - 9

to the second page :

Connectés : Invités - 0
Membres - 1 [ zorglub ] Record : 1 [2 Mar 2005 17:56:30]
Invités - 0 / Membres - 1

nothing really special seems to have happened...

Author Team
#20 | Posted: 3 Mar 2005 11:46
Really hard for me to say this time what's happening. As you see on our board, it is working normally from the very first time of installation. Maybe someone else except you has access to your files directory and hacks whosonline_data.php? We'll need to think...

Author zorglub
#21 | Posted: 3 Mar 2005 11:55
:( ... I'll go on like that. If I find any answer, I'll let you know ;)

thanks for your help, hope I will bring you some answer someday ;)

Author zorglub
#22 | Posted: 4 Mar 2005 17:55
Here is a little enhancement : to know how long ago a person was connected.
In whoisonline.php, change to :

/* Counting registered users */

function secsToText($time = 0) {
$hours = (int)floor($time/3600);
$minutes = (int)floor($time/60)%60;
$seconds = (int)$time%60;
if($hours==1) $txt = "$hours hour";
else if($hours>1) $txt = "$hours hours";
if($txt and $minutes>0 and $seconds>0) $txt .= ", ";
else if($txt and $minutes>0 and $seconds==0) $txt .= " and ";
$s = ($minutes>1) ? "s" : NULL;
if($minutes>0) $txt .= "$minutes minute$s";
$s = ($seconds>1) ? "s" : NULL;
if($txt and $seconds>0) $txt .= " and ";
if($seconds>0) $txt .= "$seconds second$s";
else if(!$txt and $seconds==0) $txt = "0 seconds";
return $txt;

foreach($w_logged_users as $key=>$val){

$howlong = secsToText(time() - $val[1]);

$registeredList.=" <a href=\"{$main_url}/{$indexphp}action=userinfo&user={$key}\" target=\"new{$key}\" title=\"connected {$howlong} ago\">{$val[0]}</a>, ";
$registeredList=substr($registeredList,0,strlen($registeredList)-2).' ]';

Author daddyjoel
#23 | Posted: 5 Mar 2005 00:13
I like it!
The only thing is, should it allways show yourself as logged in 0 seconds?

Author zorglub
#24 | Posted: 5 Mar 2005 01:03
yup !

if you find a way to order it by time ASC...

Author Team
#25 | Posted: 8 Mar 2005 11:10
Do you encounter any troubles this time with plugin?

Author zorglub
#26 | Posted: 9 Mar 2005 11:03
yes still... Sometime it resets to zero... CHMOD777, everything is fine, it just happens from timeto time. Happened this morning, dunno why...

Author Team
#27 | Posted: 9 Mar 2005 11:46
As I see, you are probably could program something like "log" for this plugin... For us, it is hard to say, too. The only reason I see for now that someone knows about your file and just resets it from outside. Little possibility, but still possible... When we have more time, we will enhance the plugin a little bit, so it contains (!defined...) condition.

Author zorglub
#28 | Posted: 9 Mar 2005 12:11
how is it possible from outside to reset it ?

Author Team
#29 | Posted: 9 Mar 2005 12:33
If you have shared hosting (on one server, there are many clients hosted) and someone know about you, and that you have miniBB with this plugin installed, THEORETICALLY, it's possible to overwrite your file, because it has 777 privileges... But this is only theory and I doubt it is possible practially. Exact reason is uknown...

Author zorglub
#30 | Posted: 9 Mar 2005 13:26
I wonder if it could be associated with 'too many connections' error. I have it sometimes, database error. I just refresh it and the forum comes back...

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 "Who's Online" plug-in released
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