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Yet another miniBB anniversary

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#1 · Posted: 19 Feb 2007 07:08
Here it is - we celebrate it today, on February 19th when our project has been officially started.

miniBB anniversary

It's not really important how much years have been passed since the first release. You will never know how hard it is to support the open source program, and how much it gives to you until you learn yourself. I know authors of many open source projects incl. forum programs and software, are not patient enough to support their products even for months, not saying years. Instead, we were, we are and we will, or at least we will try to do so regarding miniBB.

I would personally say miniBB is my top favourite project I ever worked on, and I am ready to continue investing my knowledge, experience, time, ideas and money into it.

I would like to thank every member of our community who took part, or who will take part in creating or suggesting even one line of the of the code we have programmed in this software. I would specially thank our premium customers, who are helping us financially and forcing us to stay in creating the powerful, secure and stable program which may be installed once but used for years. I would thank everybody who believes in what we are developing. Thank you to everybody who is able to understand us.

You all are in our team. Thank you.

I would also say sorry" for our coding and grammar mistakes, and for our strong position regarding some questions, and for the answers some of you probably would not expect. Even we have learned a lot at this stage, we're continuing to learn further, the same you do staying with us and joining us.

The work continues. Even if we have a very good release in the current version 2.0.3a, I know there are many plans in improving it. And I hope these plans will become true with the help of all of you.

Worldwide greetings to everybody who knows what miniBB is about :-)

Author tom322
Active Member
#2 · Posted: 19 Feb 2007 09:26
Congratulations! It's my favourite project too :).

Author marsbar
Associated Member
#3 · Posted: 19 Feb 2007 15:01
It is the 20th over here in Australia - I wish miniBB a belated happy birthday. Keep up the excellent work!

Author Ivan
Advanced Member
#4 · Posted: 20 Feb 2007 14:38
I truly believe Paul, so I wouldn't count the above numbers. I suppose that the result is around 32, right? :):)

Happy, happy, happy birthday to miniBB! It all the time gets better - if it's possible at all :)

miniBB is really good, it may be used for many purposes in its area, and the support is excellent.

Congratulations and thanks!

Author harootun
#5 · Posted: 20 Feb 2007 18:56
I'm a miniBB newbie, but I LOVE it. I opened my forum a few weeks ago, already have 500+ members, and have created a little community on the web that has EVERY feature I wanted.

Thanks, Paul. MiniBB is awesome!!!

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#6 · Posted: 21 Feb 2007 04:38
I suppose that the result is around 32, right?

This result would relate to my own birthday in a couple of years ;-) But miniBB is still a little child...

Thank you all for the kind words!

Author Moony
#7 · Posted: 23 Feb 2007 00:59
Congratulations and many thanks for a very useful tool I have used for 2 years with great delight!

Author Caleb
#8 · Posted: 27 Feb 2007 10:31
3 years... if my memory is ok

Author michael1234
#9 · Posted: 3 Mar 2007 00:36
Keep up the great work!!

Author garrett
#10 · Posted: 7 Mar 2007 12:12
Lovin' it!

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 Yet another miniBB anniversary
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