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Addon quotes BB Codes quote=Someone solution

Author jesper
#1 · Posted: 1 Oct 2004 16:16
About addon quotes: I've been trying to sort the editing problem out myself but no luck yet.

When you edit a message with the addon quote, the = sign goes missing. Instead of [quote=Someone]text[/quote]
it appears as [quoteSomeone]text[/quote]

Yet when you edit a similarly written URL [urI=www.address]text[/urI]
the = sign stays put.

What could be causing this?

Author vc404
#2 · Posted: 4 Oct 2004 02:28
I found the misstake in this mod. It takes name of user, who sent last message in the topic. It is wrons. It must take name of user, who sent quoting message.

jesper Paste this:

$pattern[7] = '/<div class=\"quote\"><div class=\"quoting\">Quoting: (.+?)<\/div><br>(.+?)<\/div>/is';
$replacement[7] = "[quote=\\1]\\2[/quote]";

$pattern[8] = '/<div class=\"quote\">(.+?)\<\/div>/is';
$replacement[8] = "[quote]\\1[/quote]";

to the deCode function of 'bb_codes.php' file.

Author jesper
#3 · Posted: 4 Oct 2004 10:51
Thanks vc404, it worked!

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 Addon quotes BB Codes quote=Someone solution
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