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Any plugin or a 'code change' way of allowing user to select a icon while starting a new thread?

Author PurpleCow
#1 · Posted: 31 Dec 2010 15:47

Is there any way user when starting a new thread get the option of selecting an icon for that thread? Thanks

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#2 · Posted: 3 Jan 2011 05:59
There is no way, sorry. It's a mini board and the feature you talk about, is not the thing which is a "must-have" for mini.

Developing the add-on would mean too much code for too much obviously nothing, that's why we don't have it at the moment.

Author PurpleCow
#3 · Posted: 3 Jan 2011 21:45
I agree, Paul. Just thought since the current version already display's a default icon, I thought it would be probably easy to consider user choosing an icon when a new thread is started.

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#4 · Posted: 4 Jan 2011 04:27
Currently, icons automatically provide just a simple presentation of how many replies are in the thread, to give a simple overview of all threads listed. If this is a new topic, there is a blank icon; if there are some replies, there is "common" icon, and there is "hot" icon if there are more than 2 pages in the thread.

Having the feature you suggest, would mean we need:

- an extra field in database (to store the name of the icon)
- an extra field of the form (to provide selection of an icon)
- an extra folder to store physical icon files (+ all files will increase the size of the package)
- an extra code to handle icon's selection upon adding, editing or displaying the topic.

Now if we think carefully - what kind of profit this feature would provide to take so many resources to be in? ;-)

The Other miniBB Support Forums / The Other /
 Any plugin or a 'code change' way of allowing user to select a icon while starting a new thread?
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