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Autogenerated Email Headers are appearing as plain text in the message

Author EinfachClicken
#1 · Posted: 3 Jan 2008 05:09
Hi again.
Today we finally played around with the options for new users.
Our Test user then received a confirmation email after having signed up.
The beginning of which looks like this, for all new users:

Content-Type: text/plain
User-Agent: PHP
Message-Id: <>
Date: Thu, 3 Jan 2008 09:35:04 +0100 (CET)

The problem with this text, is that any new user in Germany, where we're at, would automatically delete such an email for several reasons ... one being that those four lines look "scary" to any newbie, particularily in a foreign language ... two, instantly being misinterpreted as SPAM by those who don't recognize something like this.

So, is there a way to have those four lines of text removed, from the autogenerated welcome mails - OR - is there at least some way to ensure that those particular four lines would not be visible from within the welcome mail?

Half of germany is still without internet access, even though close to 4 out of 5 households have a computer, and in some cases even 2 computers. Many germans, particularily those over 50, are still quite intimidated by the internet - requiring for everything that we do to be spelled out very clearly, in some cases boldly, and so on - to make all of those people feel more comfortable when such emails are received from our site. Again, thanks to anyone who can help out here.

Author MyFairTux
#2 · Posted: 3 Jan 2008 05:30
I suppose this is a configuration problem of your mail client.

The four lines you see can be part of every normal e-mail but normally not shown together with the message text.

But in most clients you can change the settings so such e-mail information is shown, too. I think you have set it in your client.

Here all works fine with the german language pack.


Author EinfachClicken
#3 · Posted: 3 Jan 2008 08:27
Hmmm, are you suggesting that this may have something to do with the settings in either Apache, or perhaps the Administration Software (VHCS in my case) that's ued to configure domains, mails, sql, and so on?

Are you more fluent in german? It doesn't make a difference to me. That might make communication easier though?

Anyway, we have several features on our website, including greeting cards and other things for which people can sign up. When they do, they receive an autogenerated email, similar to the one from MiniBB.
However, only the autogenerated mail from MiniBB has those 4 lines of text in the welcome mail. Weird.

Could it have something to do with that new 6 month federal information gathering law that just came in effect on January 1st.

Author Paul
Lead Developer 
#4 · Posted: 3 Jan 2008 09:11
These are additional headers which are sent amongst the regular message as the part of the PHP's function mail(). In the manual they are displayed as $additional_headers. miniBB uses such headers in sendMail() function of bb_functions.php file. If your email message is displaying headers as the regular text, it could be because your server is running in Safe Mode or because of the improper configuration of the external mailing program, or... for another reason which I only could suppose.

You may try to edit

mail($email, $subject, $msg, $from_email);

string in the function I've mentioned removing $from_email so it appears like

mail($email, $subject, $msg);

Author EinfachClicken
#5 · Posted: 3 Jan 2008 09:48
Oh yes, that works . . . . W U N D E R B A R . . . .

But ...

Now the header or from field in Outlook Express, Windows Mail, and Thunderbird still show something similar to this: (www-data)

Is there some way to turn THAT into a bonafide default email addresse from the domain that's running MiniBB?
Thanks again for your time.

Author Paul
Lead Developer 
#6 · Posted: 3 Jan 2008 14:03
This address can be changed (unfortunately) only on a server's level. So you need to contact your server provider to clarify this.

BTW be aware of modifying miniBB's core files (bb_functions is such file...) Or at least keep all custom changes in your remarks. Because in the future then it will be hard to do the software upgrades.

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 Autogenerated Email Headers are appearing as plain text in the message
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