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BB Code Strangeness

Author theDog
#1 · Posted: 15 Jan 2007 17:24
I didn't want to post this in the "bugs" thread because it seems to be only my problem, OTOH it's something that happened which shouldn't have and i'm mystified.

I did a local install for a test bed. Everything was great until i went to use the BB Code and then the strangeness began.

E.g. first thing i clicked on the URL button and pasted in a URL. That's just too simple and it should work. But when i posted it, the tags were stripped off, and the text was gone from between the tags, leaving only the URL in plain text.

So then i clicked on the IMG button, and the same thing happened. The tags were stripped, the alt text was gone.

Then i came here to your test forum and the same dang thing happened! So i tried some formatting code, typing it out instead of using the buttons, and that worked. By then i'm scratching my head and going 'huh' and searching your forum for similar complaints. Couldn't find any, so i went back to your test forum and tried typing out the [img ] tags instead of using the buttons, and it worked...

So i tried the buttons again and they worked, too.

Then i went back to my local page and tried it and it worked. A few times. Then it didn't. Same when i came back here.

I used several browsers to make sure that wasn't the trouble. Is it possible due to my Apache install, some oddness with my local server that i'm bringing along with me when i come here?

This isn't a complaint. It's bewilderment and an honest inquiry as to what might be wrong here so i can avoid it if i take this software live.

Thanks for listening,

Author marsbar
Associated Member
#2 · Posted: 15 Jan 2007 17:34
Hello theDog,
Please see

Please see point 4 of Paul's post (the first post in thread "miniBB version 2.0.3 released").


Author theDog
#3 · Posted: 15 Jan 2007 18:10



Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#4 · Posted: 16 Jan 2007 04:39
marsbar is right and this is what new version of miniBB suggests... you can not post clickable outgoing URLs until you've made 5 postings.

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 BB Code Strangeness
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