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C# version of miniBB?..

Author Himmel
#1 · Posted: 10 Dec 2003 23:44
Hi Everyone ...

As far as I can tell MiniBB is fantastic ... small and very fast ... but to open this really cool resource to everyone , would there be any interest or problems into writing a C# version of this ?

Would the authors mind ?

Author Sergei
#2 · Posted: 11 Dec 2003 02:14
Hello ;) We won't write it in C#, if you want you can try though ;) writing it on C# won't make it faster, plus it will be almost like writing it from the scratch and this will result in completely different board of course. Besides, there not much C# open source projects as you can see, Microsoft makes money and open source is free, that's the reason.

Soo.. we don't mind if you will write it on C# , but I can imagine the amount of time it will take for you to rewrite it .. Do you think you can handle it ? ;)

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 C# version of miniBB?..
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