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Can I delete my own post?

Author faxxy
#1 · Posted: 25 Aug 2005 10:38
Is it possible to delete my own post?

It would make sense to give user the option to delete a post after user clicks on "edit". Of course, don't allow user to delete the first post if he was thread starter AND there are replies. If there are no replies and user is the only person in thread, then user can delete.


Author Ivan
Advanced Member
#2 · Posted: 25 Aug 2005 10:48
From the manual:

//$userDeleteMsgs=1; Available from version 2.0 RC3a, this option allows users to delete their own topics and/or messages (set 1 for allowing to delete only replies, 2 - for deleting both topics and replies). This option is tied up with $userEdit option (see above) - when topic or message is expired for editing, it can not be deleted anymore. When deleting a record, PHP script makes many updates in another fields (number of posts per forum, posts per topic, posts per user etc.) - so, use this function on your own risk. Creating/deleting their topics often, users may overload your database.


Author Team
#3 · Posted: 25 Aug 2005 11:03
You can set this option for your forums. On our forums, users can not delete their records. Think before making a post, it's not a fun-board.

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 Can I delete my own post?
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