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CSS Manual?

Author epicsff
#1 · Posted: 28 Apr 2005 16:48
It appears the manual is pulling up a separate set of css... can anyone help me find where they come from? Check my site out for why I want to know. When people click on WHATS THAT, they get sent to the manual which is a black background from the general css, but the text is black from css the manual is pulling from somewhere...


Author Team
#2 · Posted: 28 Apr 2005 16:59
In general, you always need to replace our manual to your own users guide.

Additional CSS could be found in bb_func_man.php

Author Ivan
Advanced Member
#3 · Posted: 28 Apr 2005 17:47
I like it! Black on black! There is something post-modern in this style... :)

Listen, nobody could suppose that you'll make your design with black background :) But don't worry. You can open the template manual.html and simply to make the color of the entire text after the table of contents to be white or what you prefere. That's all you need to do :)

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 CSS Manual?
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