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Difficulties with installation on Mac

Author Losing It!
#1 · Posted: 7 Aug 2006 22:25
is text edit a suitable substitute for notepad or does it add extra spaces, etc. Iv'e been trying to install this thing for days now with no luck. I finally gave up and have been following the instructions exactly trying to install phpbb and have had no luck even decompressing the file. the only thing I can figure is maybe it's this but I don't see anything different when I open the files up after saving. I going crazy here. I would mach rather install minibb but right now I'd just be happy with something working right.

Author marsbar
Associated Member
#2 · Posted: 7 Aug 2006 23:19
Hmm... I am not sure... but if you are on OS X, you might want to use the terminal-based text editors, such as vi.
All the best -

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#3 · Posted: 8 Aug 2006 09:16
So, what kind of exact errors/difficulties do you get? Which way you are trying to install? I think, your problem goes far deeper, else simply depends on text editor...

Author lime
#4 · Posted: 8 Aug 2006 19:34
I use text edit, it shouldn't give you any problems

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 Difficulties with installation on Mac
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