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$disallowNames explaination in manual

Author g41687
#1 · Posted: 6 Sep 2006 07:23
Hello folks !

I have a problem to well understand the part of the $disallowNames description regarding the use of multiple languages.

What I understand in other words :

I have to use $l_anonymous in all the lang/xxx.php corresponding packs in place of $disallowNames in setup_options.php file.
Is it correct ? (I think it isn't ;o)


Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#2 · Posted: 6 Sep 2006 08:00
$l_anonymous variable should be defined in all of your language packs. For examle, if you have language packs A and B, then in A, it will be defined as:


in B:


(translated of course to the necessary language). Then you should define:

$disallowNames=array('anonymous_a', 'anonymous_b');

...etc. But this is just for preventing registering users under "anonymous" name, so you don't see on the board "Anonymous" nickname amongst "Anonymous" membername. Additionally, if your language pack uses symbols other than latin, and users can not use these symbols in their reg.names, then you don't need to define it.

If your board is open only for registered members, you don't need to define it - or just define unwanted nicknames then.

Author g41687
#3 · Posted: 6 Sep 2006 08:58
Thanks a lot Paul !
All is now clear !


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 $disallowNames explaination in manual
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