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Duplicate entry error

Author cromagnon
#1 · Posted: 1 Oct 2007 09:12

My forum has been working fine, but suddenly I get this error after typing in the Human Authorization code:

"Duplicate entry '0' for key 1. Please, try another name or value".

What does that mean?!!

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#2 · Posted: 1 Oct 2007 09:16
Captcha doesn't matter here. This error is related to some mistake or wrong data in mySQL database. The nature of error is unknown and it's not a miniBB bug. Probably it is starting to happen when there is error or bad block on HDD or other not very good thing.

We have something like this on too in the recent past. Actually it meant nobody was able to post a new message on the board, since the mySQL indexes failed. I have contacted hosting's support a couple of times and after they can't give an efficient reply or solution regarding this, I have just moved the project to another hosting and now it appears to work again.

So my recommendation is: change the server where your files are hosted at.

Author cromagnon
#3 · Posted: 4 Oct 2007 06:19
Hi, I have contacted my hosting support, and they think its an autoincrement problem. They would like to know wich table in the database that causes the error. Does any have an idea of wich table (name of table) minibb calls when someone replies a post and have typed the Human Authorization code?

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#4 · Posted: 4 Oct 2007 06:33
As I wrote already, Human Authorization add-on is NOT involved in proceeding on the database side. It doesn't even read from database.

Yes this error is related on auto_increment field, but this only means mySQL is not able to create new auto_increment ID in your posts (or topics) table. If it has created it successfully before, and urgently stops to create, that only means the reason is somewhere in mySQL.

Your hosting support will always say "it's a software issue" like I already described here. As as I wrote above, there is only one way to fix it. Change the hosting server, you won't never find a proper solution on the hosting team side if they are unqualified.

By the way, what is the highest post ID or topic ID in your table?

And when does exactly this error happen? When you post as a guest - post a message, or topic, or anything else? Please describe everything in steps else it sounds not clear.

Author cromagnon
#5 · Posted: 4 Oct 2007 12:09

Thanks again!

Actually I feel that the provider tries to help me. He is aware that the problem can be located at the server. I think that is why he asks for the name of the table, so he can locate the problem somehow. Do you know the name?

Maybe its better, if you see the problem yourself.

Try ex. to reply with "hehe". Then the problem accours.

Its a brand new forum, but it worked fine the first month.



Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#6 · Posted: 5 Oct 2007 03:55
It seems the problem appears for all tables. I've tried to register a new account and got the same error. So it could appear for every table that has an auto_increment field: minibbtable_posts, minibbtable_topics, minibbtable_users.

Try to login as admin and create a new forum. If the same error will appear, then minibbtable_forums also is some way corrupted.

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 Duplicate entry error
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