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editing bb_specials.php file

Author minibb.n00b
#1 · Posted: 8 Oct 2004 12:39
I tryed to create a forum to make it private for some users.

So I logged in as admin created the new forum. Afterwards I wanted to make it private. But there`s my problem.

How do I can edit the file bb_specials.php? I entered the address in my browser, but the was an empty site, without any possibility to change anything.

I must admit, that these are my first steps with minibb and of course php :). I just took over the admin account of the person who installed it, because he is abroad at the moment.

So my question is; can I make a private forum only with the admin account? I just have no idea how to access the editable bb_specials.php file. I found no hint to do so in the manual...

Thanky you very much for your answer!

Author Team
#2 · Posted: 8 Oct 2004 12:44
"Edit bb_specials.php" means: open this file in Notepad and EDIT it ;) It's miniBB, visual things that are used rarely are not available.

Author minibb.n00b
#3 · Posted: 8 Oct 2004 12:55
Well, thank you for you answer.

If I got the point, it means, that I can`t do it using the board`s admin account.

I would need to have access to the webspace where the board is hosted to update the bb_specials.php file, am I correct?

Author Anonymous
#4 · Posted: 8 Oct 2004 17:29
You have a copy of the miniBB files on your computer too, right? Edit the file on your computer and then just upload it :)

Author Team
#5 · Posted: 8 Oct 2004 17:35
You just need to have access to FTP or whatever files access.

Author minibb.n00b
#6 · Posted: 8 Oct 2004 18:33
Okay, thanks a lot! :)

The Other miniBB Support Forums / The Other /
 editing bb_specials.php file
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