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Forum Groups, and making Topics correlate with each other

Author Andrew 5858015
#1 · Posted: 9 Feb 2015 19:52

Please help! I like your forum very much, but I can't find one very important function for me.

1. Is there any way to make one more subdivision for forum's topics?

As I can understand, now it is Forum/Topic. But can it be Group/Forum/Topic?

I have seen the "supertitle" feature, which just emulates the Group, but not really is. Because this "group" can't be open in a single separate page to see all the Forums included it. Right? Or there is a way to do it?

2. Is there can not be the Groups of Forums, can the Topics have some connection with each other? Maybe to show on the top of the page of one's topic - links to the topics with similar subjects? It could be a kind of solution for this problem.

Because any way only the Forums is not enough to make convenient navigation through the Topics.

Awaiting for your answer.

Thank you very much!

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#2 · Posted: 9 Feb 2015 21:26
Andrew 5858015:
Because this "group" can't be open in a single separate page to see all the Forums included it. Right?
You're right, there's no way to open the list of forums inside of such "group" - but honestly, I didn't get the idea of why you would like to open it that way.

Andrew 5858015:
Or there is a way to do it?
There could be a way to code some add-on/extension/hack; but I'm not sure how efficient and expensive in development it would be.

Andrew 5858015:
Is there can not be the Groups of Forums, can the Topics have some connection with each other? Maybe to show on the top of the page of one's topic - links to the topics with similar subjects? It could be a kind of solution for this problem.
For some forums, I have coded an add-on called "Similar Topics" - the list is displayed beneath of the primary topic and it tries to list topics of the similar subjects (based on a special mySQL request) - this is the only thing I could suggest for some small fee for your purpose, too.

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 Forum Groups, and making Topics correlate with each other
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