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forum topics order

Author Guest
#1 · Posted: 8 Mar 2012 23:54
Does anyone know:
Is it possible to change the order of the individual forum topics on the right hand side of the page?


Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#2 · Posted: 9 Mar 2012 19:10
What kind of order do you mean?
Topics in miniBB could be sorted either by latest replies or new made topics.

Author Guest
#3 · Posted: 9 Mar 2012 22:23
Once iv created the forums with their titles, which appear on the right on the forums home page. Is there any way to then change the order of the list of forums that iv created as they appear on the right hand side of the forums home page?

At the moment they appear in order of which they created as you say.

Sorry if that sounds confusing

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#4 · Posted: 13 Mar 2012 20:05
Sorry if that sounds confusing
Yes, it is :)

I think you don't mean the order of something, but the position of the forums column in the layout.
If so, you may modify templates/main_modern_layout.html and apply an HTML change transforming the layout to the thing you want.

But IMO it's not the best solution :) The right hand position of forums makes much more sense when it's a right hand position.

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 forum topics order
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