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Forum's (Persian) Language Direction from Right to Left

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Author Danny2000
#16 · Posted: 7 Nov 2009 10:44
You could invest a bit and make it the general option for miniBB :-) So all other Persians and right-to-left readers would thank you for ages. $30 question or 1,5 hours of our work (this pagination function is very difficult actually!)
That's Ok.. I will let you know in future and will pay that.. thanks

Author Prince
#17 · Posted: 27 Aug 2011 23:54
You could invest a bit and make it the general option for miniBB :-) So all other Persians and right-to-left readers would thank you for ages. $30 question or 1,5 hours of our work (this pagination function is very difficult actually!)
Mr.Paul I'm ready for this, If you got free time Please let me know. :)

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#18 · Posted: 29 Aug 2011 12:41
I would say, you are too late :) My post is coming from 2008. I wouldn't make such offer now. I don't have time to such things anymore; or they will cost you 10x times expensive than it was 2 years ago. Unfortunately, inflation eats everything...

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 Forum's (Persian) Language Direction from Right to Left
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