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From the history of miniBB fraud: Gabriel Candiani

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Author lenin
#16 · Posted: 11 Sep 2014 19:53
Finally, they blocked our support ticket account where we were communicating.. Thanks God!! we have all the snapshots and back up email communication..

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#17 · Posted: 13 Sep 2014 22:51
No, Its not False. Refer Wiki link if its false. I could post this link here but minibb does not allow outside links here. So you can Google "Wire Fees".
Wiki is a not a resource you may quote..., it's only a kids book for learning A-B-Cs of the world, not referring to something like this case.

You may check Fees Shedule on 2checkout itself. As you may see, as more monthly chargebacks you have, as more they will charge from you (which is logical, I suppose). I'm using intermediate bank in US and I suppose I am on the USD Wire (Non-FX Destination) chargebacks. By now at least...

Also, it may very depend on the bank you use; it also could have various fees, that doesn't mean 2CO are related to them.

I may understand you have a big problem with them; it seems, in the past time, as I've mentioned, they became in some way hard to deal, because something *new* came out on their end, may be it's just re-freshed staff.

I wish you good luck in it anyway... such a big sum deserves to come back, if it's earned on a honest way.

Author lenin
#18 · Posted: 14 Sep 2014 09:36
I may understand you have a big problem with them; it seems, in the past time, as I've mentioned, they became in some way hard to deal, because something *new* came out on their end, may be it's just re-freshed staff.
Thank you Paul! I will fight until we get our full money!!

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#19 · Posted: 14 Sep 2014 21:32
Thank you Paul! I will fight until we get our full money!!
You're welcome... I hope you could drop a note here on your progress or either victory... would be worth reading for all. Thx.

Author lenin
#20 · Posted: 15 Sep 2014 04:15
Btw, now they have started showing interest to recover after my report to BBB!!

They are telling, they have attempted to recover in the past but they do not have any prove or document to show me. I am sure they have not done anything in the past.

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 From the history of miniBB fraud: Gabriel Candiani
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