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General question about anonymous and registered users

Author hofer
#1 · Posted: 14 Jan 2005 16:07
Hi all
i would like to use this board in my website. I would like to have two categories of board types:
1. Anonymous users can read and write to the board. This means that
everybody can do what they want.
2. Only registered users can write to the board. Everyone can read the

Is this possible with this board? And when a registered user want to
delete one of his messages, can he do that? Is it secure that this registered user can not delete messages from other users?

Thanks a lot for your help in advance
Werner Hofer

Author Team
#2 · Posted: 14 Jan 2005 16:15
Is this possible with this board?

And when a registered user want to
delete one of his messages, can he do that?

Only admin or moderator can delete messages.

Author hofer
#3 · Posted: 14 Jan 2005 17:16
Thank for your rapide answer.

A last question for the following situation:

There is a board xy and two administrators a1 and a2 ( i think the first initial administrator a1 can create new additional administrators). Both administrators send messages to the board xy, no other users send messages to this board xy. Now is it secure, that every admintrator can only delete his own messages and NOT also the messages from the other administrator?

Thanks again for your help in advance
Werner Hofer

Author Team
#4 · Posted: 14 Jan 2005 17:27
I guess, you mean here MODERATORS, not administrators really. In our board, there is only one super-admin. But in reality, it is possible to create separated forums X and Y, so A1 has access only to X, and A2 - only to Y, where they can post, delete and edit their messages.

Author hofer
#5 · Posted: 14 Jan 2005 17:55
Thanks for your answer again.

The problem is, that there is only ONE board with several privileged persons. Every of this person can write messages and also should can delete only his own messages.

Is such function possible with your board? May be with definitions of several MODERATORS?

A really big thank you to you again.
Werner Hofer

Author cakeman
#6 · Posted: 14 Jan 2005 19:51
Yes all you want is possible. You can verify it on the FAQ

You have private forums, several moderators per forum.

Author Anonymous
#7 · Posted: 15 Jan 2005 11:21
thanks all for your help. I am sure now that i will integrate this board into my website.

Thank you

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 General question about anonymous and registered users
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