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Google Penguin Update

Author AngryDwarf
#1 · Posted: 9 May 2012 11:30
any affected here?

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#2 · Posted: 9 May 2012 14:02
Google Penguin? What's that? :)

Author AngryDwarf
#3 · Posted: 10 May 2012 09:45
New google algo started at 24-26 April 2012 what pushed bunch of old sites from top serp to the 5+ pages

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#4 · Posted: 10 May 2012 14:22
Well... if I didn't knew about that, better I won't know it... :)

Author Jaime
#5 · Posted: 10 May 2012 14:56
better I won't know it...
That's better ! After the penguin update then comes the piranha update and eats all websites ... So why now restless sleeping ? ;-)

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#6 · Posted: 10 May 2012 20:42
I'm wondering if there are such a few animals in the world. Why Google would call it's update because of the Linux image which already "patented" itself? ;)

Author AngryDwarf
#7 · Posted: 28 May 2012 10:05
I'm wondering if there are such a few animals in the world. Why Google would call it's update because of the Linux image which already "patented" itself? ;)
Google loves animals and food :) Strange?

Google Panda - February 2011
Google Penguin - April 2012

Google Android:
4.0.x Ice Cream Sandwich
3.x.x Honeycomb
2.3.x Gingerbread
2.2 Froyo
2.0, 2.1 Eclair
1.6 Donut
1.5 Cupcake

Author 35asz
#8 · Posted: 28 May 2012 15:30
Google is sheep in wolf clothes.

Author AngryDwarf
#9 · Posted: 29 May 2012 17:01
Google is sheep in wolf clothes.

Author jamesthomas
#10 · Posted: 7 Jun 2014 13:14
One of my friend's site was also affected by this google algorithm update.. Before the update it was on the first page and after update its ranking dropped to 20th page.. But now again he is recovered with it.. It's all because of

Author tom322
Active Member
#11 · Posted: 7 Jun 2014 16:52
Most of these 'SEO link removal services' are dubious. Link cleaning (if really needed) can be done on your own using this: domain disavow tool: All you have to do is to gather links pointed to your site, separate the spammy ones, and get domains from URLs, and disallows them.

Still, Google changes the rules every quarter so what you do today may work against you tomorrow ;).

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 Google Penguin Update
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