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How can a user delete him / herself?

Author Guest
#1 · Posted: 19 Oct 2008 08:54
Is there a way to integrate a 'delete account' button on the modify preferences page?

This would work the same way the admin's deletion tool works - posts would remain but the username changed to 'anonymous' or something else.

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#2 · Posted: 20 Oct 2008 04:14
Currently it's not possible.

This was suggested some time ago to our team, but still, we doubt implementing that. This feature can actually lead to the claims from the user side, because in some cases, users want not just to delete their account data, but their posts and topics as well. When deleting an account, we must take into attention that some of the add-ons data like Avatars, Private Messages and many other stuff related to the users, should be deleted as well.

I have an add-on which I've programmed for one of our customers in the past, so if you hardly need this feature, so far I could suggest you to contact us privately and discuss the price of it. I doubt we will include it in miniBB by default, because it's requested rarely, and it means losing benefits of controlling the board.

Author Guest
#3 · Posted: 21 Oct 2008 09:58

making users agree to certain terms before they sign up can solve a lot of the issues.

but i take your comments on board and see how it goes without such a feature. if i need it i'll be in touch.

thank you.

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#4 · Posted: 21 Oct 2008 12:03
making users agree to certain terms before they sign up can solve a lot of the issues
Could you explain a bit wider what did you mean under it?

When users sign up in miniBB by default, they only provide fictitious data. Partially except their email address which is anyway a fictitious data and can't be considered as a privacy data. So I a bit didn't understand what you mean...

Author tom322
Active Member
#5 · Posted: 21 Oct 2008 18:53
making users agree to certain terms before they sign up can solve a lot of the issues.
Here is the solution :)

Author Guest
#6 · Posted: 23 Oct 2008 03:36
I would add that deleting users is a security issue too.

By default miniBB stores passwords with quite easy method. If somebody steals someone's password, or gains access to the users account some other way (for example, IF there would be a new security hole), then it will be impossible to delete an account. I guess nobody will post something under other's account, but deletion procedure is other side case.

Author lozmatic
#7 · Posted: 8 Jul 2010 22:37
Soon I'll be emailing all 2200 users to notify them about certain changes to the website, terms & conditions and other stuff.

Looking at stats only a small % are active participants. Many have not posted in many years.

I would like to give them the option to delete their accounts (but not posts). Very much in the same way as an admin deletes a user.

The alternative is to have to manage this process manually - anything in between 1,000 and 1,500 of them.

Would it be possible (at a cost) to include a 'delete this account' option on the Edit Profile page? This would have to have some kind of 'are you 100% sure you want to proceed' type prompt first and, ideally, not actually remove a user entry in the database but replace the username with something along the lines of: deleted_username and the email address to

Something along those lines.

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#8 · Posted: 9 Jul 2010 03:56
Like mentioned above, earlier I have programmed similar add-on for one of our customers. When a user is going to delete himself, he gets the following screen:


For your case, I could modify this add-on to eliminate "Hard Deletion" option, and modify it to update user table fields like you suggest. Since I don't have to develop the basic script, it could take 1-1,5 hours for it all, so I suppose, about $30.

Author lozmatic
#9 · Posted: 25 Jul 2010 23:47
Thanks paul.

I've got a bit of a list of such tweaks to send through - this will be on it :)

I'm progressing slowly with my re-design so will be a month or so.

Author JemsRoker
#10 · Posted: 17 Aug 2010 02:36
The information is helpful for me too!

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 How can a user delete him / herself?
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