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How email notifications work?

Author odejeu
#1 · Posted: 5 Mar 2008 19:28

I am having the following problem. was looking around but could not find something similar so here I go:

- I receive email when I request a new password
- I DO NOT receive emails when I check the box for a thread email subscription. So for example I've started a thread, checked the box but although people replied I did not get any email. I have setup another email account for a "different" user and that "user" receives the emails.

Does anybody have a similar issue.

Thanks for the help,

Author marsbar
Associated Member
#2 · Posted: 5 Mar 2008 21:19
I DO NOT receive emails when I check the box for a thread email subscription. So for example I've started a thread, checked the box but although people replied I did not get any email.

Make sure the replies are actually posted by other users: notifications are generated only whenever someone else posts to the threads that you subscribe to.

Maybe this existing thread will be of help to you:
Email notification not recd. even tho' $emailadmin=1;$emailusers=1;.

All the best -

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#3 · Posted: 6 Mar 2008 03:10
I DO NOT receive emails when I check the box for a thread email subscription.
There could be few reasons and most likely the first thing we recommend is to check your spam or bulk folder.

You should receive the first email at least, when somebody else except you replies in the thread; but you won't receive all emails about the thread if you don't check it on forums via the link provided in the email, or simply don't enter on forums.

Other words, the subscription stops if you already got the first notification, and it continues when you visit the forums and check the topic.

I am sure this works as described, I've just tried it on our forums here... it works, absolutely.

Author odejeu
#4 · Posted: 6 Mar 2008 08:00
Hi Paul,

looked in spam etc it is not there. Now that your've mentioned:

Another words, the subscription stops if you already got the first notification, and it continues when you visit the forums and check the topic.
does it mean that:
- once I subscribe and get at least one email, I HAVE to click on the link in the email to get to the post - or if I bypass "clicking" on the email link but just go to the forum and read it there I should still get notifications.

In other words, notifications stop if I DON'T go to the forum OR click on the link in the email.
If this is true, is there a way to make it so that I will get notifications even if I don;t click on links or go to the forum ?

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#5 · Posted: 6 Mar 2008 08:44
once I subscribe and get at least one email, I HAVE to click on the link in the email to get to the post - or if I bypass "clicking" on the email link but just go to the forum and read it there I should still get notifications. In other words, notifications stop if I DON'T go to the forum OR click on the link in the email.
It works exactly like that.

If this is true, is there a way to make it so that I will get notifications even if I don't click on links or go to the forum ?
There is no such way except modifying the core scripts. We have implemented this by purpose and by requests of other users too. Because it appears there is waste in resources. Imagine that you have a topic where are 10 subscribers. 2 of these subscribers have a protected email and automated email notifications disappear in nowhere, they do not even receive them. 3 subscribers are getting those emails in their spam/bulk folder and do not read them without having a knowledge they are there. 2 subscribers just read the emails and do not visit the forum - so where's the benefit for forum owners then? At least... 2 subscribers get the emails but since they have lost interest in topic, they are too lazy to unsubscribe and just waste your resources with sending those emails...

Definitely, email subscription to the topic lost it's sense in the past century, so we have no plans to work it out.

Author odejeu
#6 · Posted: 6 Mar 2008 09:14
Thanks for your help.

Author stormie
#7 · Posted: 8 Mar 2008 09:24
I was just wondering.....if someone has selected to receive email notifications in the way described above (subscribe to thread) if that thread is a restricted thread and the user is disallowed in the future will they still receive notifications?

Author odejeu
#8 · Posted: 8 Mar 2008 12:41
logic says, they should not, but then again I don't have that scenario so I could be wrong.

my 2 cents :)

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#9 · Posted: 10 Mar 2008 04:38
Sorry, what do you mean by "restricted thread"? I am not sure I understood your question.

Author odejeu
#10 · Posted: 20 Mar 2008 19:55

is there a way (easy way :) to make that emails will be send out when a new topic is added (started) to all registered users?

You see my problem is that I only have a very small nr of users (20) in a closed forum which is very inactive. So, instead of people checking in all the time, I just want to notify them when a new topic is created, after which the above description on how emails function is just fine.

Appreciate your help!

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#11 · Posted: 21 Mar 2008 05:17
As it was discussed earlier, miniBB doesn't include such feature. It could be still programmed additionally, but actually we are talking about some kind of mailing list combined with forum, and it would be needed to invest a lot of work building such script.

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 How email notifications work?
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