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how to decide between minibb and the other popular board

Author Anonymous
#1 · Posted: 1 Sep 2006 16:25
sorry to mention the competition... but should I go with miniBB or the other popular forum board that starts with a 'V' ?

I guess the main thing I wonder about is if and when my board every gets really popular will the board slow to a crawl or will it run without a hitch. I have seen some of the example sites with 1.5 million total posts so maybe that already answers my question.

In comparing the two, miniBB seems to be faster, cleaner and more efficient. Although it does not have email notifications when topics are updated... but maybe that is not a necessity..


Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#2 · Posted: 1 Sep 2006 22:10
Don't hesitate to say it open way. Do you mean vBulletin? We think, miniBB is a completely different software... vBulletin has been created for one purpose, miniBB - for another. If you check Showcase section, you'll see there is a board with more than 2 million messages, and it's running on miniBB. Number of messages is not the real thing we're worrying about now :-) It more depends on your hardware, else software, to handle such kind of activity.

It's only up to you, what you finally choose. You see around what miniBB is, you can play with it on our test site... make the right choice corresponding to your needs.

Author Ivan
Advanced Member
#3 · Posted: 1 Sep 2006 22:12
it does not have email notifications when topics are updated...

It has.

Author Anonymous
#4 · Posted: 2 Sep 2006 01:20
Thank you for your detailed response..

I think I am already convinced and will go with this bb software soon.

I really do think less is more on the internet.


The Other miniBB Support Forums / The Other /
 how to decide between minibb and the other popular board
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