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Interview for Another Admin Forum

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Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#1 · Posted: 16 Mar 2012 02:26
This interview was actually started in the end of the 2011; on my birthday, I've got a message from Shawn Gossman which runs a young still promising forum owners community called "Another Admin Forum".

But it took me almost 3 months to drive into the questions, finding the time (which is difficult) answering them, as in common, I like giving interviews by email :) The interview was published on AAF on March 16, 2012, but still I've thought some pieces of it may be interesting for the miniBB community as well. That's why I am re-publishing it here.

I hope this interview answers all of the current questions miniBB users and members may have; if not, you know how to give me yet another boring question :) Oh well... don't pay attention to dates, as I will re-publish it from two different nicknames; and don't take it too seriously. Thanks.

Author Shawn Gossman
#2 · Posted: 16 Mar 2012 02:26
Introduce yourself and tell us what your position is?

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#3 · Posted: 16 Mar 2012 02:26
Hello, my name is Paul, and my position is affected by just a few factors. They include eating, breathing, drinking, sleeping, and making something which comes out of me each day. Without them, there wouldn't this minute in Universe ages what we call a human life. Every other thing I do, is for these factors, there because of it is also my position. Oh well, may be sex and producing children are just solid bonuses to it.

But come on, I think we are here to talk about miniBB, so let's come closer to it. I don't have so much importance as miniBB has.

Author Shawn Gossman
#4 · Posted: 16 Mar 2012 02:26
Explain what MiniBB is and what is required to use it?

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#5 · Posted: 16 Mar 2012 02:26
MiniBB is a forum software product we develop, and I'd be very lazy to maintain and support it, if it wouldn't be the best forum software on the planet Earth, or at least trying to be. This forum engine can handle very different tasks, very different communities, it's plug-gable in and out, highly yet simply customizable by the layout, and still very small and native by code, which provides very good results in speed even on busy servers. Besides of it, nothing special is required on the server's end to run miniBB; any native linux package may handle it.

If I would ever choose a forum software, this would be it. Because I am the fan of customizations without losing the focus on the core updates, I love such systems, also in native engineering. And the secret of miniBB is that I was not only dreaming about such software, but I also have maintained and mostly programmed it, and its life-cycle still continues, it provides even more stable results with each new version, it allows me to keep an eye on profession while working on a few other projects.

Author Shawn Gossman
#6 · Posted: 16 Mar 2012 02:26
Explain why one should use MiniBB before another forum software?

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#7 · Posted: 16 Mar 2012 02:26
I would say otherwise - nobody actually should. I dislike the word "should" here, yep it's the first factor I may dislike - if somebody says what I should do and what I should not. I believe many others are on that factor, too. I should only do what God says me, and the same I want from the others. Like any software, miniBB is a factor of choice, of taste, priorities and web experience. You can build a good forum, bringing good profits, with the other software, too; but definitely, it will be different from miniBB, which is just like a tool, an instrument, and like with any other effective instrument, you need some knowledge and tension to use it.

But I think, in comparison to the competitors, you definitely may like miniBBs comfortable interface and the basic layout. I personally like how it works and looks and how quickly it allows to moderate multiple forums at once. So far it also perfectly works on i-devices, and it's coming with the ultra-simplified interface for older mobiles, and all that phones having simple browsers.

Well, in common I love the idea that the forum software continues its life on mobile devices, it proves the fact that this type of program still stay one of the best for keeping and sharing information, and in 2001 it was a correct choice to start to work on such type of the software.

Author Shawn Gossman
#8 · Posted: 16 Mar 2012 02:26
Does MiniBB have any good spam combat capabilities?

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#9 · Posted: 16 Mar 2012 02:26
Definitely, not. miniBB has only Mortal Kombat abilities regarding spam. I hope that will not disappoint you it kills all spam, sorry. No mercy. There is nothing really good in killing, isn't it? ;)

Author Shawn Gossman
#10 · Posted: 16 Mar 2012 02:26
What are some bigger forums that use MiniBB?

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#11 · Posted: 16 Mar 2012 02:26
I think nobody still beaten the millions-of-posts Cifra Club forums for musicians in Brazil ; in Russia, we are supported by, and (its about little funny doggies from "the mask"); we also do lots of things together with, which stand closely to a very big amount of posts; in my state of Latvia I can't forget to mention with hundreds thousdands of really fresh posts and nice customizations made; finally I know about some adult forums, which open a very strange topic, but the five zeroes in their messages amount number, and many thousands of files prove that even a strange topic may gain lots of attention with miniBB's help. You can check for wider showcase and galleries on the miniBB website. But wait a bit - I didn't program miniBB for big forums! Its mini, it's mostly for small private communities.

You may ask me the other question - name some SMALLEST forums using miniBB, but there is rather no opened miniBB forum, which has an absolute zero posts in years. It's unbelievable that you install this software, and it's kept empty while being on public.

Author Shawn Gossman
#12 · Posted: 16 Mar 2012 02:26
What was inspired to create the MiniBB software?

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#13 · Posted: 16 Mar 2012 02:26
Nothing like this was on the market, and it's not by now. I didn't need the #1 biggest software with the biggest terrible code, never-ending updates/ bugs and re-billing license. I just needed a little forum program to attach it to my customers websites, and I wanted it to be stable, with no touching in a serious time. I think, in 10 years I finally have something standing closely to it. Surely, the other software developers also did a step ahead. But I like the way miniBB goes, by its own way, which strictly has its own market and customers, and IMHO that's why it's a branding product - the first brand in forum programs, a forum program which defines something more than just a forum.

Author Shawn Gossman
#14 · Posted: 16 Mar 2012 02:26
Can you tell us what the future of MiniBB will be like? Maybe such as future plans to the software?

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#15 · Posted: 16 Mar 2012 02:26
The future is to burn this swarming office and go surfing on Bahamas with hot chicks ;) Just kidding, he-he. Ok, the nearest plans for me regarding miniBB are to combine everything is collected so far, into something more global. The Compiler, which allows to combine only the modules you need, and get the package on the fly, ready to install and containing only your personal stuff, really smart package - I would dream for the thing like this for any software, specially Free BSD, or mobile phone's software. How about it - in any operating system, you have check-boxes to choose what features to install? You don't get all that heavy stuff, which you wouldn't ever use, don't have to pay and spend time for it.

Consume less - that principle may become a new priority in the next stage of the human survival!

But for miniBB, it's already here. However lots of people are either lazy either busy and they don't have lots of time to click the check-boxes, instead they have more money than a time to think. So I need to convert mini into maxi some way and share more brain resources to it than usually, but finally, it can beat the big competitors then.

So, we still get back to Bahamas topic here, that's why let's talk about it next time when it's done.

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