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java buttons needed? Php replacement possible...?

Author epicsff
#1 · Posted: 22 May 2005 18:17
Why are the message buttons inserted with java? Two questions on this. First, wouldnt it be faster just to put the buttons directly into the template instead of have java call for them and insert them? And two, would it be possible to change the java includes code to php includes code?

Author realitybytes
#2 · Posted: 22 May 2005 18:55
you mean javascript?

what buttons.

if you mean the bbcode buttons then the use of javascript here is ideal, why poll the server each time to perform a string replace, when the client side can do it when javascript is enabled. If javascript is disabled in most cases this points to an above average user who can still use bbcodes by using the tags.

Not sure if those are the buttons you mean, if it is then I personally would not want to use server side language for this.

Author epicsff
#3 · Posted: 22 May 2005 19:04
Yes, the BB Code buttons.. If not php, wouldn't it be atleast better to put the button codes into the template, rather than call upon them with includes code?


Author Team
#4 · Posted: 23 May 2005 15:57
Sorry, I did not understand you. Java and JavaScript are different things; client-side and server-side are incompatible moments. PHP is server-side language, and using it on client side is, at last, unprofessional.

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 java buttons needed? Php replacement possible...?
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