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Log User Logins

Author canalrun
#1 · Posted: 23 Jan 2011 12:15
Is there a way to log each time a user logs in? The report would be viewable by the admin.


Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#2 · Posted: 24 Jan 2011 06:20
If this feature would be included in the default package, it would be not miniBB anymore ;-)

Anyway, I could develop it on a premium basis, if you would be interested. I think it could be an addition to Who's Online add-on.

Author paul88
#3 · Posted: 10 Feb 2011 22:57
Hey, actually I didn't understand what the use of this particular feature is. The logs will tell about the time of activity by the members' right? May be sometimes the admin can keep a check on the active members. I hope to hear more about this feature. Thanks in advance.

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#4 · Posted: 11 Feb 2011 05:04
The logs will tell about the time of activity by the members' right?
I guess, everybody is having each own purpose of such logs. Not sure about the author of this topic, but having kind of "activity sheet" you may see, at which times users are reading the forum most actively, that way figuring out when your forum is most visited at the daytime. It also gives the clue how many members per day are reading forum, what they are doing, it's like "big brother" eye on forum, I would say.

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