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miniBB 2.x mysql to postgresql

Author Anonymous
#1 · Posted: 28 Apr 2005 18:32
i have a 2.x bb and want to move the db to postgresql - the postgres db module only seems to work for 1.7, i know of the tool and have generated a dump of my 2.x bb - but importing the 2.x bb data into 1.7, the 1.7 bb did not function correctly, got unique key errors when trying to reply to posts. is there any guide to doing this, any hints?


Author Anonymous
#2 · Posted: 28 Apr 2005 19:01
ooops. i think i have the answer to my own question - i'd forgotten to set the sequences - which were in the last section of the dumpfile. after setting them - the error went away. i guess this syncs the db with the imported records, so it knows which rows already exist, and what is the next rownum.


Author Team
#3 · Posted: 28 Apr 2005 19:35
Sp, you still have this problem now or not?

I think, the most exciting idea would be to rewrite setup_mysql module for version 2 and postgres, but we are gonna change something serious in database (in the next version already, for example), so are not ready to support additional databases just because of NO TIME :-( I think, version 2 will be on the way soon, so for a while we will just support fixes in the main version and only then work on additional modules.

On our opinion, postgreSQL is also out of this list, because they are doing too many changes themselves now... different table structures in different versions etc. Mostly our users are using mySQL, mySQL is a leader, and we will better to support a leader else starter :-) We are starters, too... and already it is enough with mySQL for us. Just a question of time.

Author Fritzek
#4 · Posted: 28 Apr 2005 21:48
the only way to get around this is to use an abstraction layer like adodb. But this implies possible side impacts like fast native calls to db vs. translated calls via abstraction. Might be its an interesting approach to try. But as said before - NO TIME :( The advantage of it is the independency of underlaying db. so what ever you want to use - as long as your abstraction layer supports it. use it ;-)

Author Anonymous
#5 · Posted: 10 May 2005 21:52
forgot to specify i am using a recent postgres (8.1) - i got the pg db mod to work only after downgrading from 2.x to 1.7, using the edited dumpfile (created from - removing the create table and seq statements, leaving the create indexes, and of course the insert statements.

does the pg db module work with miniBB 2.x?

is the setup_<database_type>.php file abstraction of SQL for multiple db support? looking in them, it looks like more than just that?

Author Team
#6 · Posted: 11 May 2005 10:23
Unfortunatelly, we don't know anything about 8.1 this time. Postgre are changing their versions too fast, and we are now concentrating only on mySQL. Previous postgreSQL module works only with miniBB version 1.7d. We are planning to make some kind of postgre support only when stable release of 2.0 series is out.

Author cK
#7 · Posted: 24 May 2006 15:07
Dear all,
I've downloaded the miniBB RC6e and setup as told by the manual. But I am missing _install_postgresql.sql and setup_postgresql.php files, so when I start _install.php, I get the following error message:

Warning: main(./setup_postgresql.php) [function.main]: failed to create stream: No such file or directory in /www/unitedshuttles/Forum2/_install.php on line 19

Warning: main() [function.main]: Failed opening './setup_postgresql.php' for inclusion (include_path='.:/usr/local/lib/php') in /www/unitedshuttles/Forum2/_install.php on line 19

Installation file is missing. Please, check your directory for _install_postgresql.sql file!

I am wondering where can I get those 2 missing files? I am not a php nor sql programmer, and couldn't find the files in the downloads either. Can anyone share with me his/her postgresql modules? or help me?

My webhost uses apache 1.3.26 with PostgreSQL 7.3.2

Thanks in advance!

Author Team
#8 · Posted: 24 May 2006 19:41
hello.. sorry, but right now miniBB 2.0 doesn't support postgreSQL . miniBB 1.x did, but we don't support it for the new release. It's a temporary decision - when we'll have a stable core, probably we will release also additional database modules, but not this time.

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 miniBB 2.x mysql to postgresql
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